Constitutional Law
Constitution of Tuvalu
Litigation And Court Procedure
Crown Proceedings Act Enforcement of Judgments (Payments from Wages) Act Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act High Court (Constitutional Redress or Relief) Rules Island Courts Act Island Courts Regulations Land Court (Fees) Regulations Law Revision (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2009 Laws of Tuvalu Act Magistrates' Courts (Costs in Criminal Cases) Rules Magistrates' Courts (Fees in Civil Cases) Rules Magistrates' Courts (Forms) Rules Magistrates' Courts (Matrimonial Fees) Rules Magistrates' Courts Act Matrimonial Causes (Magistrates' Courts) Rules Peoples Lawyer Act 1988 Revised Edition Laws of Tuvalu Act 1987 Revised Edition of the Laws (1990) Small Claims Act Superior Courts Act
Electoral Law
Electoral Provisions (Parliament) Act Electoral Provisions (Parliament) Regulations
Administrative / Public Law
Census Act Citizenship Act Citizenship Fees Regulations Closed Districts Act Closed Districts Regulations Co-Operative Societies Regulations Commonwealth Countries Act Companies and Business Registration Companies and Business Registration (Fees) Regulations Crown Acquisition of Lands Death and Fire Enquiries Act Deportation Act Diplomatic Privileges Act Dogs (Control of Movement) Regulations 2002 Dogs Act Education Act Emergencies and Threatened Emergencies (Special Powers) Act Falekaupule Act 1997 Gaming and Lotteries Act Government Borrowing and Guarantee Act Immigration Act Immigration Regulations Interpretation Act Leadership Code Act 2006 Maintenance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act Missing Persons Act 1984 National Disaster Management Act Oaths (Non-Citizens) Act 1984 Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act Passports Act Passports Regulations Public Enterprises (Performance and Accountability) Act 2009 Public Order Act Public Records Act Public Service Act Religious Bodies Registration Act State Church (Declaration) Act 1992 State Immunity Act 1985 Statistics Act Tupe Fakanaa a Falekaupule Act 1999 Tuvalu Cultural Council Act 1991 Tuvalu National Flag Act 1995
Criminal Law
Arms and Ammunition Act Counter Terrorism and Transnational Organised Crime Act 2009 Criminal Procedure Code Dangerous Drugs Act Explosives Act Extradition Act 2004 Fugitive Criminals (Supplement) (Various) Fugitive Offenders (Tuvalu) Order 1975 Hostages Act Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 2004 Penal Code Police Act Police Association Regulations Police Powers and Duties Act 2009 Police Regulations Police Service Act 2009 Prisons Act 1985 Prisons Regulations Proceeds of Crime Act 2004 Prohibited Areas Act Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1991
Civil Law
Administration of Native Estates Regulations Adoption Act Births Deaths and Marriages (Prescription of Forms and Seal) Regulations Births Deaths and Marriages Registration Act Custody of Children Act Foreshore Licence Regulations Foreshore and Land Reclamation Act Licences Act (Amendment) Order Marriage Act Matrimonial Proceedings Act Native Lands (Forms) Regulations 1997 Native Lands Act Native Lands Leases Regulations Neglected Lands Act Partnership Act 1991 Rent Review Act Tuvalu Lands Code Wills Act
Commercial Law
Bills of Sale Act Foreign Direct Investment Act 1996 Industrial Relations Code Licences Act Price Control Act 1990 Protected Industries Act Sale of Goods Act 1991
Company Law
Co-Operative Societies Act Commissions of Enquiry Act Companies (Winding Up) Act 1991 Companies Act 1991
Labor Law
Employment (Fair Wages Clauses in Public Contracts) Regulations Employment (Form for Workers Recruiting Licence) Regulations Employment (Housing Standards) Regulations Employment (Ionizing Radiations) Protection of Workers) Regulations Employment (Return) Regulations Employment (Seamen's Agency) Order 1984 Employment Act Employment Ordinance (Fees) Regulations Prescription of Salaries Act Public Holidays Act Trade Unions Act Workmen's Compensation (Accident and Occupational Disease) Return Regulations Workmen's Compensation Act
Health Law
Alcoholic Drink Act Food Safety Act 2006 Medical and Dental Practitioners Act Mental Treatment Act Methylated Spirit Act Methylated Spirit Regulations Nurses and Midwives Act Pharmacy and Poisons Act Pharmacy and Poisons Regulations Public Health Act Public Health Regulations Quarantine (Maritime and Aerial) Regulations Quarantine Act Tobacco Control Act Tuvalu Red Cross Society Act
Mining Law
Mineral Development Licensing Act
Tax Law
Customs (Amendment) Regulations 2009 Customs (Tariff) Order 2009 Customs Act Customs Regulations Import Levy (Special Fund) Act 1997 Import Levy Fund Regulations 1997 Income Tax Act 1992 Income Tax Regulations 2009 Landowners Taxation Act Room Tax Act 1994 Room Tax Regulations 2009 Sales Tax Act
Banking Law
Audit Act Currency Act Development Bank of Tuvalu Act 1990 Exchange Control Act Exchange Control Regulations 1983 International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group Membership Act 2010 National Bank of Tuvalu (Insurance Fund) Act National Bank of Tuvalu Act Provident Fund (Amendment) Act 2007 Provident Fund (Amendment) Act 2009 Provident Fund (Benefit) Regulations 1984 Provident Fund (Contributions) Regulations 1984 Provident Fund (Crediting Accounts) Regulations 1999 Provident Fund (Determination of Claims and Questions) Regulations 1984 Provident Fund (Exceptions) Regulations 1984 Provident Fund (Nominations) Regulations 1984 Provident Fund (Registration) Regulations 1984 Provident Fund (Small Loans Investment Scheme) Regulations 2004 Provident Fund (Special Death Benefit) Regulations 1999 Provident Fund Act 1984 Public Finance Act Tuvalu Trust Fund Act
Communications And Media Law
Cinemas and Films Act Post Office Act Post Office Regulations Television Licence Regulations 2005 Tuvalu Media Corporation Act 1999 Tuvalu Telecommunications Corporation Act 1993
Transport And Maritime Law
Admiralty Jurisdiction (Supplement) Aerodromes and Air Navigation Aids Act Air Navigation (General) Regulations Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order 1977 Air Transport (Licensing of Air Services) Regulations 1964 Air Transport Licensing Authority Regulations 1966 Carriage of Goods by Sea Act Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations 1965 Civil Aviation (Wreck and Salvage) Regulations 1966 Civil Aviation Miscellaneous Orders Government Aerodromes Harbours Act Harbours Regulations Lagoon Shipping Act Lagoon Shipping Regulations Marine Resources Act 2006 Marine Zones Act Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Passengers) Regulations Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Liability Convention) Regulations Merchant Shipping (Load Line and Safety Conventions) Regulations Merchant Shipping (Registration of Foreign Vessels) Regulations 2004 Merchant Shipping (Registration) Regulations Merchant Shipping (STCW Convention) Regulations 1998 Merchant Shipping (Safety) Regulations Merchant Shipping (Tonnage Measurement Convention Merchant Shipping Act National Fishing Corporation of Tuvalu Act Shipowners' Liability (Colonial Territories) Order in Council 1963 (Supplement) Shipping (Rations) Regulations Traffic (Amendment) Act 2009 Traffic Act 1983 Traffic Regulations Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute Act 2000 Wreck and Salvage Act
Environmental Law
Animals (Control of Experiments) Act Conservation Areas Act 1999 Conservation and Management Measures (PNA Third Implementing Arrangement) Regulations 2009 Environmental Protection Act Importation of Animals Act Importation of Animals Regulations Marine Pollution Act 1991 Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) (Tuvalu) Order 1975 Oil Pollution (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1976 Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Regulations 2010 Ozone Layer Protection Act Wastes Operations and Services Act 2009 Water Supply (Delivery of Bulk Supplies) Regulations Water Supply Act Wildlife Conservation Act
Intellectual Property Law
Copyright Act Registration of UK Patents Act Registration of UK Trade Marks Act UK Designs Protection Act
Energy Law
Electricity Regulations Nuclear Installations (Gilbert and Ellice Islands) Order 1972 (Supplement) Petroleum (Control of Storage) Regulations Petroleum (Licence Fee) Regulations 1992 Petroleum (Rationing) Regulations Petroleum (Sales Permit) Regulations Petroleum Act Tuvalu Electricity Corporation Act 1990
Agriculture Law
Livestock Diseases Act 1984 Pesticides Act 1990 Plants (Prevention of Disease and Citation Pests) Regulations Plants (Quarantine Disembarkation Cards) Regulations Plants (Shipping) Regulations Plants (Spraying of Aircraft) Regulations 1986 Plants Act Prohibition of Importation of Plants Order
Arbitration Law
Arbitration (Supplement) Arbitration Act 1991
Law Sources
Tuvalu Legislation