Constitutional Law
Act to Amend the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia for Election of Local Government Councils for Term of Four Years
Constitution of the Republic Estonia
Constitution of the Republic Estonia
Constitution of the Republic Estonia
Constitution of the Republic Estonia (estonian)
Law on Constitutional Review Court Procedure
Law on the Application of the Constitution
The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia Amendment Act
The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia Implementation Act
Litigation And Court Procedure
Bar Association Act
Code of Administrative Court Procedure
Code of Administrative Court Procedure Implementation Act
Code of Administrative Court Procedure.
Constitutional Review Court Procedure Act
Court System Act (19 June 2002, entered into force on 29 July 2002, consolidated March 2003)
Courts Act
Explosive Substances Act 2004
Local Government Council Election Act
Notaries Act
Notary Fees Act
Electoral Law
Estonian Local Government Council Election Act (1996)
Estonian Presidential Elections Act (1996)
Estonian Referendum Act (1994).
European Parliament Election Act
European Parliament Election Act
Local Government Council Election Act
Political Parties Act
Political Parties Act (1994, amended 2003)
President of the Republic Election Act
President of the Republic Election Act
Referendum Act
Referendum Act
Riigikogu (Parliament) Election Act (entry into force on 18 July 2002).
Riigikogu Election Act
Riigikogu Election Act
Administrative / Public Law
Adult Education Act
Aliens Act
Aliens Act (1993, amended 1999)
Aliens Act (1993, consolidated January 2003)
Aliens Act Amendment Act (1997).
Citizenship Act 1995 (amended till 2006)
Citizenship Act of Estonia (1995, consolidated March 2004)
Education Act
Emergency Preparedness Act
Emergency Preparedness Act (2001, amended 2002)
Emergency Situation Act
Emergency Situation Act (1996, amended 2002)
Heritage Conservation Act
Identity Documents Act
Identity Documents Act (1999)
Institutions of Professional Higher Education Act
International Sanctions Act
International Sanctions Act (Feb 2003)
Language Act
Language Act
Language Act
Local Government Associations Act
Local Government Associations Act
Local Government Organisation Act
National Library of Estonia Act
Official Statistics Act 1997
Place Names Act
Place Names Act
Population Register Act (consolidated text May 2009)
Population and Housing Census Act
Private Education Institution Act
Private Schools Act (consolidated text Sept 2008)
Promotion of Local Government Merger Act
Public Information Act
Public Procurement Act
Public Procurement Act 2003
Public Procurement Act 2007
Public Procurement Act 2007
Refugees Act
Refugees Act (1997, amended 1999)
Restrictions on Transfer of Immovable Property Ownership to Aliens, Foreign States and Legal Persons Act
Social Welfare Act (consolidated January 2010)
Sport Act
Standard of Higher Education Act 2002
State Audit Office Act
State Audit Office Act
State Liability Act 2001
State of Emergency Act
Strategic Goods Act
Strategic Goods Act
Territory of Estonia Administrative Division Act
Universities Act
Criminal Law
Act on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and Precursors thereof
Act on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and Precursors thereof 1997
Code of Criminal Procedure
Code of Criminal Procedure (consolidated text Jan 2007)
Criminal Code
Criminal Code
Criminal Code Implementation Act
Criminal Procedure Code
Imprisonment Act 2000
Imprisonment Act 2000
Juvenile Sanctions Act
Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act
Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act (entered into force in 1999, consolidated January 2004)
Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act (entered into force in 1999, consolidated January 2004)
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1997
Penal Code (consolidated text Apr 2008)
Police Act
Police Act (1990, entered into force in 1993) (consolidated January 2004).
Police Service Act
Police Service Act (1998, lastly amended 2004)
Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act
Victim Support Act
Civil Law
Apartment Associations Act
Apartment Ownership Act
Code of Civil Procedure
Code of Civil Procedure,
General Principles of the Civil Code Act
Land Register Act (consolidated text 2007)
Land Valuation Act
Law of Obligations Act (cons 2009)
Law of Property Act Implementation Act
Surveillance Act
Commercial Law
Advertising Act 2008
Commercial Associations Act
Commercial Code
Commercial Pledges Act
Consumer Protection Act
Consumer Protection Act
Machinery Safety Act 2002
Pressure Equipment Safety Act
Product Safety Act 2004
Product and Service Safety Act
Register of Economic Activities Act
Requirements for Machinery and Safety Components and Procedure for Assessment and Attestation of Conformity Regulation 2002
Requirements for certificate of competency of person operating machinery and procedure for issue thereof regulation 2005
Trading Act 2004
Company Law
Competition Act 2001 (cons 2006 )
Non-profit Associations Act
Non-profit Associations Act (1996, amended 2003)
Support of Enterprise and State Loan Guarantees Act
The Competition Act 2001
Labor Law
Employment Contracts Act 2009
Employment Contracts Act 2009
Employment Service Act
Funded Pensions Act
Gender Equality Act 2004
Individual Labour Dispute Resolution Act
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Professions Act 2008
State Pension Insurance Act
Trade Unions Act
Unemployment Insurance Act
Wages Act
Health Law
Blood Act 2005
Conditions and Procedure for Handling of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances for Medical and Research Purposes, and Conditions and Procedure for Maintaining Records and Reporting in that Area and Schedules of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Food Act 1999
Handling and Transplantation of Cells, Tissues and Organs Act (consolidated text Sept 2009)
Health Insurance Act
Health Insurance Act
Health Insurance Fund Act
Health Services Organisation Act
Health Services Organisation Act
Medical Devices Act 2004
Medical Devices Act 2004
Medicinal Products Act 2005
Medicinal Products Act 2005
Medicinal Products Act 2005
Mental Health Act
Public Health Act
Tobacco Act
Transplantation of Organs and Tissues Act
Mining Law
Intervals of and procedure for regular technical inspection of lifts and cableway installations and procedure for technical inspection before use and emergency technical inspection thereof Regulation 2002
Lifts and Cableway Installations Safety Act 2002
Mining Act 2003
Precious Metal Articles Act 2003
Pressure Equipment Safety Act 2002
Tax Law
Alcohol, Tobacco and Fuel Excise Duty Act 2002 (Cons 2009)
Customes Tariffs Act
Customs Act
Gambling Tax Act
Income tax Act 1999
Land Tax Act
Land Tax Act
Land Tax Act
Local Taxes Act
Taxation Act 2002 (Cons 2009)
Value Added Tax Act 2003
Value Added Tax Act 2003
Value Added Tax Act 2003 (cons 2010)
Banking Law
Amendment Act Of The Government Of The Republic Act And The Bank Of Estonia Act
Amendment Act of Eesti Pank Act, State Audit Office Act and Courts Act 2003
Authorised Public Accountants Act
Authorised Public Accountants Act
Bankruptcy Act 2003
Credit Institutions Act 1999
Credit Institutions Act 1999
Currency law of the Republic of Estonia 1992
Eesti Pank (Bank of Estonia) Act 1993
Estonian Central Register of Securities Act
Financial Supervision Authority Act 2001
Financial Supervision Authority Act 2001 (cons 2006)
Foreign Investment Act
Funded Pensions Act
Funded Pensions Act 2001
Guarantee Fund Act 2004
Guarantee Fund Act 2009
Investment Funds Act 1997
Law of the Republic of Estonia on the security for Estonian kroon
Law on Changing the Law of the Central Bank of the Republic of Estonia 1994
Law on Changing the Law of the Central Bank of the Republic of Estonia 1998
Law on Changing the Law of the Central Bank of the Republic of Estonia 2003
Law on the bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank Act)
Law on the bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank Act)
Savings and Loan Associations Act ( Cons 2009 )
Savings and Loan Associations Act 1999
Securities Market Act 2002
State Budget Act 2010
The Statute of Eesti Pank (Estonian Bank) 2007
Insurance Law
Insurance Activities Act 2005
Motor Third Party Liability Insurance Act
Communications And Media Law
Address Data System Regulation 2007
Advertising Act
Archives Act 1998
Broadcasting Act 1994
Cable Distribution Act 2001
Cable Distribution Act 2001
Databases Act 1997
Electronic Communications Act 2005
Information Society Services Act 2004
Management System of State Information System Regulation 2008
National Broadcasting Act 2007
National Broadcasting Act 2007
Personal Data Protection Act (1996 as amended 2002)
Personal Data Protection Act 2003
Postal act 2001
Public Information Act
Public Information Act (2000 as amended 2003)
Public Information Act (Cons 2009)
Requirements for electromagnetic radiation and restriction of radiocommunications Regulation 2005
State Secrets Act
System of security measures for information systems Regulation 2007
Technical requirements for the provision of communications services and technical requirements for the communications networks Regulation 2006
Telecommunications Act
Transport And Maritime Law
Aviation Act 1999 (consolidated text April 2009)
Aviation Act 1999 (consolidated text April 2009)
Law of Maritime Property Act 2002
Maritime Boundaries Act
Maritime Safety Act 2001
Ports Act
Public Transport Act
Railways Act 2003
Railways Act 2003
Road Transport Act 2000 (amended till 2009)
Roads Act 1999 (amended till 2009)
Traffic Act
Environmental Law
Deliberate Release Into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms Act
Earth's Crust Act
Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act 2005
Environmental Monitoring Act 1999 (amended till 2005)
Environmental Supervision Act
Environmental Supervision Act
Forest Act 2007
Hunting Act
Law on Hunting Management
Nature Conservation Act
The tourism law 2000
Tourism Act
Waste Act
Water Act
Intellectual Property Law
Act of the Protection of Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits 2004
Copyright Act 1992
Copyright Act 1992
Geographical Indication Protection Act (of 1999).
Industrial Design Protection Act
Patents Act (cons 2004).
Plant Propagation and Plant Variety Rights Act
Plant Variety Rights Act
Trademark Act 2004
Utility Models Act 2004
Energy Law
Cases, Procedure, Terms for and Frequency of Conduct of Technical Inspection of Gas Installations and Gas Appliances regulation 2005
District Heating Act 2003
District Heating Act 2003
District Heating Act 2003
District Heating Act 2003
District Heating Act 2003
Electrical Safety Act
Electricity Market Act 2003
Electricity Market Act 2003
Electricity Market Act 2003
Electricity Market Act 2003
Energy Efficiency of Equipment Act 2003
Fiscal Marking of Liquid Fuel Act 1997
Fuel Excise Duty Act
Gaseous Fuel Safety Act 2002
Liquid Fuel Act 2003
Liquid Fuel Act 2003
Liquid Fuel Act 2003
Liquid Fuel Act 2003
Liquid Fuel Stocks Act
Natural Gas Act 2003
Natural Gas Act 2003
Natural Gas Act 2003
Natural Gas Act 2003
Regulation of the Minister of the Environment No. 21 of 27 April 2009. Requirements and Procedure for Marking Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Requirements for gas appliances and fittings, for supplying them with information and for affixing of conformity mark Regulation 2002
Construction Law
Building Act
Building Association Act
Land Cadastre Act
Land Improvement Act
Land Readjustment Act
Land Reform Act
Planning Act
Agriculture Law
Animal Protection Act
Farm Animals Breeding Act
Fertilizers Act
Fishing Act
Infectious Animal Disease Control Act
Organic Farming Act (consolidated text Jan 2009)
Plant Protection Act (consolidated text May 2008)
Veterinary Supervision over Trade in, Import and Export of Animals and Animal Products Act
Databases Act
Databases Act
Digital Signatures Act
Digital Signatures Act
Electronic Communications Act 2005
Electronic Communications Act 2005
Law Sources
Estonian legal language center English translations of Estonian Laws
Bank of Estonia
Consumer Protection Board
Database of Estonian Laws
Election laws
Estonian Auditing Board
Estonian Civil Aviation Administration
Estonian Competition Board
Estonian Environmental Law Center
Estonian Land Board
Estonian Law Centre
Estonian Legal Acts Register ESTLEX
Estonian Maritime Administration Board
Estonian National Electoral Committee
Estonian Tax and Customs Board
Estonian patent Office
Financial Supervision Authority
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Ministry of Education and Research
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Social Affairs
Ministry of the Environment
Parliament of Estonia
Public Procurement Office
RISO State Information System
Social Insurance Board
State Agency of Medicines
State Gazette
Technical Surveillance Authority
The Government of the Republic of Estonia