Administrative / Public Law / Agriculture Law / Arbitration Law / Banking Law / Civil Law / Commercial Law / Communications And Media Law / Company Law / Constitutional Law / Construction Law / Criminal Law / E-Commerce / Electoral Law / Energy Law / Environmental Law / Health Law / Human Rights / Insurance Law / Intellectual Property Law / Labor Law / Law Sources / Litigation And Court Procedure / Mining Law / Tax Law / Transport And Maritime Law /

Constitutional Law

Constitution of the Czech Republic
Constitution of the Czech Republic
Constitution of the Czech Republic
Constitution of the Czech Republic
Constitution of the Czech Republic
Constitutional Act 1993 - 4 on Measures Related to the Dissolution of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic,
Constitutional Act 1998 - 110 on Security of the Czech Republic,

Human Rights

Act 1991 - 308 on the freedom of religious faith
Charter on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms (1991)
Charter on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms (1991)
Charter on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms (1991)

Litigation And Court Procedure

Act 1963 - 99 Code of Civil Justice
Act 1991 - 549 on Court Fees (Czech)
Act 1991 - 549 on Court Fees (Czech)
Act 1993 - 182 on the Constitutional Court
Act 1993 - 182 on the Constitutional Court
Act 1993 - 182 on the Constitutional Court
Act 1993 - 182 on the Constitutional Court (Czech)
Act 1993 - 283 on the Public Prosecutor (Czech)
Act 1996 - 85 on the Legal Profession
Act 1996 - 85 on the Legal Profession
Act 2002 - 6 on Courts (Czech)
Act 2002 - 7 on Disciplinary Proceedings Concerning Judges and Prosecutors (Czech)
Act 2006 - 159 of Law on Conflict of Interests

Electoral Law

Act 1991 - 424 on Association in Political Parties and Political Movements
Act 1991 - 424 on Association in Political Parties and Political Movements (Czech)
Act 1995 - 247 on Elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic , and on Amendments of Certain Other Acts
Act 1995 - 247 on Elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic, No. 247/1995 Coll., as amendend
Act 1995 - 247 on the Elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic (Czech)
Act 2000 - 130 on the Election to Regional Councils (Czech)
Act 2001 - 491 on the Election to Municipal Councils (Czech)
Act 2003 - 62 on Election to the European Parliament,
Act 2003 - 62 on the Election to the European Parliament (Czech)
Constitutional Act 2002 - 515 Law on the referendum on accession to EU,

Administrative / Public Law

Act 1990 - 505 on Metrology, as later amended
Act 1991 - 216 concerning Travel Documents and Travel Abroad
Act 1991 - 283 on the Czech National Council
Act 1992 - 40 on the Acquisition and Loss of Citizenship of the Republic
Act 1993 - 20 on the Organisation of the State Administration in the Field of Standards, Metrology and Testing
Act 1993 - 166 Concerning the Supreme Audit Office
Act 1993 - 272 amending Law on the Acquisition and Loss of Nationality of the Czech Republic (1993)
Act 1993 - 283 Public Prosecutor's Office Act
Act 1993 on Acquisition and Loss of Nationality
Act 1994 - 153 on the Intelligence Services of the Czech Republic
Act 1995 - 89 on The State Statistical Service
Act 1995 - 140 amending Law on the Acquisition and Loss of Nationality of the Czech Republic, as amended by Law No 272/1993 (1995)
Act 1996 - 139 amending Law on the Acquisition and Loss of Nationality of the Czech Republic, as amended by Law No. 272/1993 and by Law No. 140/1995 (1996)
Act 1997 - 19 on On Some Measures Concerning Chemical Weapons Prohibition and on Amendments and Additions to Related Acts.
Act 1998 - 111 Higher Educations Act
Act 1998 - 111 Higher Educations Act
Act 1998 - 111 Higher Educations Act
Act 1999 - 11 Asylum Act
Act 1999 - 193 on the Nationality of Some of the Former Czechoslovak Nationals
Act 1999 - 194 amending the Law on the Acquisition and Loss of Nationality of the Czech Republic, as amended by subsequent regulations (1999)
Act 1999 - 194 changing the Law No. 40/1993 Coll. on Acquisition and Loss of the Citizenship of the Czech Republic in the reading of later regulations
Act 1999 - 326 on Residence of Aliens in the Territory of the Czech Republic
Act 1999 - 326 on Residence of Aliens in the Territory of the Czech Republic
Act 1999 - 326 on the Residence of Aliens in the Territory of the Czech Republic
Act 1999 on public Defender
Act 2000 - 241 on Economic Measures for Crisis Situations
Act 2002 - 130 on the Support of Research and Development
Act 2002 - 150 Code of Administrative Justice
Act 2002 - 151 Act amending certain laws in relation to the adoption of the Code of Administrative Justice
Act 2002 - 198 Volunteer Services Act
Act 2002 - 198 Volunteer Services Act
Act 2002 - 218 Service Act
Act 2002 - 281 on Some Measures Related to Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Amendments to Trades Licensing Act
Act 2003 - 221 on Temporary Protection of Aliens
Act 2003 - 357 amending Act No. 40/1993 on the acquisition and loss of nationality of the Czech Republic
Act 2004 - 40 on Public Procurement
Act 2004 - 40 on Public Procurement
Act 2004 - 500 the Administrative Code
Act 2004 - 561 Education Act
Act 2004 - 561 Education Act
Act 2004 - 561 the Education Act
Act 2004 - 563 on Pedagogical Staff and on the Amendment to Some Other Acts
Act 2005 - 341 on Public Research Institutions
Act 2005 - 342 on amendment to some acts in connection with adoption of the act on public research institutions
Act 2006 - 69 on Carrying Out International Sanctions
Act 2006 - 137 on Public Contracts
Act 2006 - 137 on Public Contracts
Act 2006 - 138 Amending Certain Other Acts in Conjunction with Adoption of the Act on Public Contracts
Act 2006 - 139 on Concession Contracts and Concession Procedure (Concession Act
Act 2006 - 139 on Concession Contracts and Concession Procedure (Concession Act
Decree no. 238/2006 Coll. Laying Down Essentials of the Application for Prior Opinion on Conclusion of a Concession Contract or a Contract under Concession Act and on Amendment to the Concluded Concession Contract or Contract under Concession Act.
Decree no. 329/2006 Coll. Laying Down Specific Requirements for Electronic Means, Electronic Tools and Electronic Acts in Public Procurement.
Decree no. 330/2006 Coll. on Publication of Notices for the Purposes of Public Procurement.
Decree of the Ministry of Defence no. 274/2006 Coll. Laying Down the List of Products in the Field of Defence for Purposes of the Act on Public Contracts.

Criminal Law

Act 1993 Execution of Custody Act
Act 1994 - 109 Code Governing the Execution of Pre-trial Detention
Act 1996 - 61 Money Laundering Legislation
Act 1996 - 61 on Selected Measures against the Legalisation of the Proceeds of Crime and on the Amendment to Related Acts
Act 1999 - 169 Imprisonment Act
Act 2001 - 137 on the Special Protection of Witnesses and other persons in connection with criminal proceedings (2001, entered into force on 1 July 2001)
Act 2008 - 253 on Certain Measures against Legalization of Yields from Criminal Activity and Terrorist Financing
Act 2008 - 253 on Certain Measures against Legalization of Yields from Criminal Activity and Terrorist Financing (Czech)
Act 2008 - 254 Amending Certain Acts Related to Adoption of Act on Certain Measures against Legalization of Yields from Criminal Activity and Terrorist Financing (Czech)
Regulations 1999 of the Imprisonment

Civil Law

Act 1963 - 99 on the Civil Procedure Code (Czech)
Civil Code

Commercial Law

Act 1986 - 64 Czech Trade Inspection Act
Act 1991 Trade Licensing Act
Act 1992 - 634 the Consumer Protection Act
Act 1993 - 19 on the state administration bodies of the Czech Republic in the field of hallmarking and the testing of precious metals
Act 1997 - 22 on Technical requirements for Products and on Amendments to Some Acts
Act 1998 - 59 Product Liability Act
Act 1998 - 59 on the Liability for Damage Caused by a Defective Product
Act 2001 - 102 on General Product Safety
Act 2001 - 321 on Certain Conditions for the Conclusion of Consumer Loans and as an Amendment to Act No. 64/1986 Coll
Act 2001 - 321 on Consumer Credit
Act 2001 - 477 on Packaging
Act 2004 - 15 The Hallmarking Act
Act 2006 - 66 amending Act 477/2001 Coll., on Packaging and on the amendment to certain other acts (Packaging Act)
Act. 1995 - 40 on Advertising Regulation
Commercial Code version valid until 24th of October 2004
Decree 2002 - 116 on marking returnable packaging
Government Order 2008 340 amending the Government Order No. 19/2003 Coll., that lays down technical requirements for toys
Zakon 1991 - 513 Obchodní zákoník (Commercial Code)

Company Law

Act 1990 - 83 Citizens Civil Law Associations
Act 1995 - 248 on Public Benefit Corporations
Act 1997 - 227 on Foundations and Endowment Funds and on changes and supplements of certain related acts
Act 2001 - 143 on the Protection of Competition
Decree 2009 - 252 Stipulating details of a concentration notification

Labor Law

Act 1965 - 65 Labour Code
Act 1991 - 1 on Employment
Act 2000 - 118 on Protection of Employees in the Event of Their Employer's Insolvency
Act 2004 - 435 on Employment
Act 2006 - 262 Labour Code
Act 2006 - 108 Social Services Act

Health Law

Act 2002 - 281 on Some Measures Related to Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Amendments to Trades Licensing Act
Act 2004 - 78 on the use of genetically modified organisms and genetic products
Act 2006 - 227 on research on human embryonic stem cells
Decree 2004 - 209 on detailed conditions for the use of genetically modified organisms and genetic products

Mining Law

Act 1988 - 44 The Mining Act
Act 1988 - 61 on mining activities, explosives and the state mining administration
Act 1993 - 19 on the state administration bodies of the Czech Republic in the field of hallmarking and the testing of precious metals
Act 2004 - 15 Hallmarking Act
Decree No. 53/1993 Coll., as of 15th January 1993, which lays down the amount of the hallmarking fees and the method of payment thereof as amended by Decree No. 364/2003 Coll

Tax Law

Act 1992 - 212 on system of taxes
Act 1992 - 523 about tax consultancy services and Chamber of Tax Advisers of the Czech Republic
Act 1993 - 13 Customs Act
Act 1993 - 13 Customs Act
Act 2003 - 353 on excise duties
Act 2004 - 185 on the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic
Act 2004 - 186 amending certain laws in relation to adoption of the Act on the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic
Act 2004 - 235 Tax refunds available to persons enjoying privileges and immunities
Act 2004 - 676 on compulsory labelling of spirits and amending Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on income
Act 2004 - 676 on compulsory labelling of spirits and amending Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on income taxes
Decree No. 199/2004 implementing certain provisions of the Customs Act and repealing certain Decrees regulating exemption from the import customs duty and non-preferential origin of goods
Decree No. 200/ 2005 amending Decree No. 199/2004 Coll., implementing certain provisions of the Customs Act and repealing certain Decrees regulating relief from the import duty and non-preferential origin of goods
Decree No. 201/2005 Coll., on the statistics of exported and imported goods and the manner of communicating information on trade between the Czech Republic and other Member States of the European Communities
Decree No. 201/2005 on the statistics of exported and imported goods and the manner of communicating information on trade between the Czech Republic and other Member States of the European Communities

Banking Law

Act 1991 - 328 on bankruptcy and composition
Act 1991 - 328 on bankruptcy and composition (Czech)
Act 1992 - 21 on Banks
Act 1992 - 21 on Banks
Act 1992 - 591 Securities Act
Act 1992 - 591 Securities Act
Act 1993 - 6 Czech National Bank Act
Act 1993 - 6 Czech National Bank Act
Act 1995 - 87 on Credit Unions and Certain Related Measures and on the Amendment of Czech National Council Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on Income Taxes, as amended. (Czech)
Act 1995 - 219 Foreign Exchange Act
Act 1995 - 219 Foreign Exchange Act
Act 1995 Czech Foreign Exchange Act
Act 1998 - 15 Czech Securities Commission Act
Act 1998 - 15 Czech Securities Commission Act
Act 2000 - 218 on Budget Rules
Act 2002 - 124 Payment System Act
Act 2002 - 124 Payment System Act
Act 2004 - 38 on Insurance Intermediaries and on Independent Loss Adjusters
Act 2004 - 189 on Collective Investment
Act 2004 - 189 on Collective Investment
Act 2004 - 190 on Bonds
Act 2004 - 190 on Bonds
Act 2004 - 256 on Business Activities on the Capital Market, also known as the Act on Undertaking on the Capital Market
Act 2004 - 256 on Business Activities on the Capital Market, also known as the Capital Market Undertakings Act, version valid until 30 March 2006
Act 2005 - 377 on supplementary supervision over banks, credit unions, electronic money institutions, insurance companies and investment firms in financial conglomerates and amending some other acts (Financial Conglomerates Act) (Czech)
Act 2006 - 57 on Amendment of Certain Acts Related to Integration of Financial Market Supervision (Czech)
Act 2006 - 159 on Conflict of Interests
Act 2006 - 312 on Bankruptcy (Czech)
Act 2007 - 120 on Amendment of Certain Acts Related to Stipulating the Capital Requirements for Banks, Credit Unions and Investment Firms and for Electronic Money Institution (Czech)
Act 2009 - 93 Auditors’ Act
Act 2009 - 284 Payment System Act (Czech)
Act 2009 - 285 Amending Some Acts Related to Adoption of the Payment Services Act (Czech)
Decree No 282/2008 Coll. amending Decree No 123/2007 Coll., stipulating the prudential rules for banks, credit unions and investment firms (Czech)
Decree No. 123/2007 Coll. of 15 May 2007, stipulating the prudential rules for banks, credit unions and investment firms, as amended by Decree No. 282/2008 Coll.,divided into parts, with links to official information and to questions and answers
Decree No. 143/2009 Coll. of 4 May 2009 on the expertise of persons through which an investment firm performs its activities
Decree No. 221/2005 Coll. of 25 May 2005 on the requisites and manner of keeping a transactions and orders book of an investment firm, and on the principles of keeping records of received and transmitted orders of an investment intermediary
Decree No. 233/2009 Coll. of 21 July 2009 on Applications, Approval of Persons and the Manner of Proving Professional Qualifications, Trustworthiness and Experience of Persons, and on the Minimum Amount of Funds to be Provided by a Foreign Bank to its Branch
Decree No. 234/2009 Coll. of 21. July 2009 on the Protection against Market Abuse and on Transparency
Decree No. 235/2008 Coll. of 23 June 2008 on information duties of the settlement system administrator and the central securities depository
Decree No. 235/2009 Coll. of 21. July 2009 on Investment Instruments which a Standard Fund May Invest in
Decree No. 236/2008 Coll. of 23 June 2008 on information duties of the operator of the regulated market and operator of a multilateral trading facility
Decree No. 237/2008 Coll. of 23 June 2008 on the details of certain rules in the provision of investment services
Decree No. 281/2008 Coll., of 15 August 2008 on selected requirements regarding the system of internal principles, procedures and control measures against legitimisation of proceeds of crime and financing of terrorism
Decree No. 282/2008 Coll. of 15 August 2008 amending Decree No 123/2007 Coll., stipulating the prudential rules for banks, credit unions and investment firms (Czech)
Decree No. 307 Coll. of 4 May 2004 concerning the submitting of information and documents to the Czech National Bank by entities that belong to the financial institution sector
Decree No. 34 Coll. of 26 January 2006 amending Decree No. 307 Coll. of 4 May 2004 concerning the submitting of information and documents to the Czech National Bank by entities that belong to the financial institution sector - Czech version only
Decree No. 347/2006 Coll. implementing some provisions of the Financial Conglomerates Act (Czech)
Decree No. 351 of 22 September 2003 amending Decree No. 34/2003 Coll., stipulating the scope, period, time limits and manner of fulfilment of the reporting duty referred to in the Foreign Exchange Act
Decree No. 374/2009 Coll. on the pursuit of business of payment institutions, electronic money institutions, small-scale payment service providers and small-scale electronic money issuers
Decree No. 375/2009 Coll. on reporting by payment institutions, small-scale payment service providers and electronic money institutions to the CNB
Decree No. 376/2009 Coll. on foreign exchange activities
Decree No. 58/2006 Coll. of 23 February 2006 on the manner of keeping separate records of investment instruments and records based on separate records of investment instruments, as amended by Decree No. 238/2008
Decree No. 605/2006 Coll. of 19 December 2006 on certain information duties of an investment firm, as amended by Decree No. 242/2007 Coll., Decree No. 234/2008 Coll. and Decree No. 232/2009
Decree No. 93/2007 Coll concerning information duty of the pension fund for the purpose of the Czech National Bank´s supervision (Czech)
Decree of the Czech National Bank No. 164 of 10 April 2002 on the Conditions of Access to Information Contained in the Information Database of the Czech National Bank - the Central Register of Credits

Insurance Law

Act 1994 - 42 State-Contributory Supplementary Pension Insurance Act
Act 1999 - 168 Motor Third Party Liability Insurance act
Act 1999 - 363 Insurance Act
Act 2004 - 37 Act on Insurance contract
Act 2004 - 37 Act on Insurance contract
Act 2004 - 38 Act on Insurance Intermediaries and on Independent Loss Adjusters
Act 2004 - 38 on Insurance Intermediaries and Loss Adjusters
Act 2009 - 277 Insurance Act (Czech)
Act 2009 - 278 Act amending Acts in connection with adoption of the Insurance Act (Czech)
Decree No. 434/2009 Coll. of 21 July 2009 on Implementing Certain Provisions of the Insurance Act

Communications And Media Law

Act 1998 - 123 on Access to Information on the Environment
Act 1999 - 106 on Free Access to Information
Act 1999 - 106 on the Free Access to Information (Czech)
Act 2000 - 29 Postal Services Act
Act 2000 - 101 Personal Data Protection Act
Act 2001 - 231 Broadcasting Act
Act 2001 - 483 Television Act
Act 2001 - 484 Radio Act
Act 2005 - 412 on the Protection of Classified Information
Act 2005 - 413 amending acts in connection with the adoption of the Act on the protection of classified information and security clearance
Act 2006 Broadcating amendment Act
Act 2007 - 119 to alter and amend Act N. 412/2005 Coll. on the Protection of Classified Information
Act 2007 - 119 to alter and amend Act N. 412/2005 Coll. on the Protection of Classified Information
Act 2008 - 247 amending Act No 127/2005 on electronic communications and amending certain related laws (the Electronic Communications Act), as amended
Act.2008 - 32 to alter and amend Act N. 412/2005 Coll. on the Protection of Classified Information
Government Regulation N. 522/2005 Establishing the List of Classified Information

Transport And Maritime Law

Act 1994 - 266 on rail systems
Act 2002 - 77 on Czech Railways, joint stock company, the Railway Infrastructure Administration and state organisation,
Act 2002 - 77 on Czech Railways, joint stock company, the Railway Infrastructure Administration and state organisation,

Environmental Law

Act 1991 - 2 Collective Bargaining Act
Act 1992 - 1 on Wages, Remuneration for Stand-Bye, and Average Earnings
Act 1992 - 114 on the protection of nature and Landscape (Czech)
Act 1992 - 114 on the protection of nature and landscape (czech)
Act 1995 - 289 Forest Act (Czech)
Act 2001 - 100 on environmental impact assessment (Czech)
Act 2001 - 185 on Waste
Act 2001 - 254 Water Act
Act 2002 - 521 on integrated pollution prevention and control (amendment)
Act 2004 - 99 on Fishery
Act 2005 - 7 amending Act No. 185/2001 Coll., on waste and on amendment to some other laws
Decree 2004 - 382 on the protection of farm animals at the time of slaughter, killing or other ways of putting to death
Decree 2005 - 424 amending Decree No 382/2004 Coll. on the protection of farm animals at the time of slaughter, killing or other ways of putting to death
Decree 2006 - 346 on laying down more detailed conditions of keeping and training of animals
Decree 2008 - 411 specifying animal species requiring special care
Decree 2009 - 3 on professional competence for the performance of supervision in the field of protection of animals against cruelty
Decree 2009 - 4 on the protection of animals during transport
Decree 2009 - 5 on the protection of animals at a public performance and in breeding
Regulation 2003 on the Waste Management Plan of the Czech republic.

Intellectual Property Law

Act 1989 - 132 Plant Variety (Animal Breeds) Act
Act 1990 - 527 on Inventions and Rationalisation Proposals
Act 1991 - 529 on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products
Act 1992 - 478 on Utility Models
Act 1993 - 14 on Measures concerning the Industrial Property Protection
Act 2000 - 121 Copyright Act
Act 2000 - 206 on the Protection of Biotechnological Inventions and on the Amendment to Act No. 132/1989 of Coll., on the Protection of Rights to New Plant and Animal Varieties, as amended by Act No. 93/1996 of Coll
Act 2000 - 206 on the Protection of Biotechnological Inventions and on the Amendment to Act No. 132/1989 of Coll., on the Protection of Rights to New Plant and Animal Varieties, as amended by Act No. 93/1996 of Coll
Act 2000 - 207 of the Protection of Industrial Designs and the Amendment to Act No. 527/1990 of Coll., on Inventions, Industrial Designs and Rationalization Proposals, as amended
Act 2000 - 207 of the Protection of Industrial Designs and the Amendment to Act No. 527/1990 of Coll., on Inventions, Industrial Designs and Rationalization Proposals, as amended
Act 2000 - 408 on the Protection of Plant Variety Rights
Act 2001 - 452 on the Protection of Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications and on the Amendment to the Act on Consumer Protection
Act 2002 - 173 on Fees for Maintenance of Patents and Supplementary Protection Certificates for Medicaments and Plant Protection Products
Act 2003 - 441 on Trademarks
Act 2003 - 441 on Trademarks
Act 2004 - 417 on Patent Attorneys
Act 2004 - 474 amending Act No. 207/2000 Coll., on Protection of Industrial Designs and amending Act No. 527/1990 Coll., on Inventions, Industrial Designs and Innovation Proposals, in the wording of later regulations
Act 2004 - 474 amending Act No. 207/2000 Coll., on Protection of Industrial Designs and amending Act No. 527/1990 Coll., on Inventions, Industrial Designs and Innovation Proposals, in the wording of later regulations
Act 2004 - 634 on Administrative Fees
Act 2004 amending Act No. 121/2000 on Copyright Law and Rights Related to Copyright
Act 2005 - 81 Copyright Act Amendment
Act 2006 - 221 on Enforcement of Industrial Property Rights
Act 2008 - 168 amending the Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright
Decree 1990 - 550 of the Federal Office for Inventions on the Procedure in Matters of Inventions and Industrial Designs
Decree 2002 - 21 amending the Decree of the Federal Office for Inventions on the Procedure in Matters of Inventions and Industrial Designs
Decree 2002 - 243 Geographical Indications Decree
Decree No. 97 of 20th February 2004 implementing the Act on Trade Marks

Energy Law

Act 1997 - 18 Atomic Act
Act 1997 - 18 Atomic Act
Act 1999 - 189 Emergency Oil Stocks Act
Act 2000 - 406 on Energy Management
Act 2000 - 406 on Energy Management
Act 2000 - 458 Energy Act
Act 2005 - 180 on Promotion of Use of Renewable Sources
Act 2006 Concessions Act

Construction Law

Act 1976 - 50 on town and country planning and building code (Building Act)
Act 1992 - 360 on the Professional Practice of Certified Architects
Act 2006 - 183 on town and country planning and building code (Building Act)
Act 2006 - 183 on town and country planning and building code (Building Act)

Agriculture Law

Act 1997 - 252 on Agriculture
Act 1998 - 156 on Fertilizers
Act 1999 - 166 Veterinary Act (Czech)
Act 2004 - 85 amending the Law on Agriculture. (Czech)
Act 2004 - 326 on Plant Protection (Czech)
Act 2009 - 395 on Significant Market Power in the Sale of Agricultural and Food Products and Abuse thereof


Act 2000 - 227 on Electronic Signatures
Act 2000 - 227 on Electronic Signatures
Act 2005 - 127 Electronic Communications Act

Arbitration Law

Act 2002 - 229 on the Financial Arbiter

Law Sources

Chamber of Auditors
Chamber of Tax Advisers
Collection of Acts
Council for Radio and TV Broadcasting
Customs Administration
Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority
Czech Banking Association
Czech Invest
Czech National Bank
Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing
Czech Tax Administration
Czech Telecommunications Office
Database of municipalities in CR (czech)
Energy Regulatory Office
Financial Arbitrator
Laws and Regulations Protecting Consumers
Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic
Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Ministry of Informatics
Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Czech Republic
Office for the Protection of Economic Competition
Portal of state administration (Statnis Prava)
Prison service Legislation (czech)
Sagit Collection of laws since 1998 (czech)
State Office for Nuclear Safety
Supreme Administrative Court Related Laws
The Assay Office

© Copyright 1996-2010 Lexadin
Document Created at August 20, 1996
Last Update april 19 2010