Administrative / Public Law / Agriculture Law / Arbitration Law / Banking Law / Civil Law / Commentated Laws / Commercial Law / Communications And Media Law / Company Law / Constitutional Law / Construction Law / Criminal Law / Electoral Law / Energy Law / Environmental Law / Health Law / Insurance Law / Intellectual Property Law / Labor Law / Law Sources / Litigation And Court Procedure / Mining Law / Tax Law / Transport And Maritime Law /

Constitutional Law

Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania
Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania
Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania

Litigation And Court Procedure

Office of the Attorney General (Discharge of Duties) Act, 2005
The Advocates Act, Ch 341
The Appellate Jurisdiction (Amendment) Act, 1993 - (Act No. 17/93)
The Courts (Land Disputes Settlements) Act, 2002
The Judges (Remuneration and Terminal Benefits) Act, 2007 (Act No. 16/07)
The Judges (Remuneration and Terminal Benefits) Act, 2007 (Act No. 16/07)
The Judicial Service Act, 2005 (Act No. 2/05)
The Judicial Service Act, 2005 (Act No. 2/05)
The Magistrates' Courts Act, 1984
The National Prosecutions Service Act, 2008 (Act No. 27/08)
The Parliamentary Immunities, Power and Privileges (amendment) Act, 2004
The Permanent Labour Tribunal (Amendment) Act, 1990 - (Act No. 3/90)
The Tanganyika Law Society Act , Ch 307
The Ward Tribunals Act, 1985

Electoral Law

Act to amend the Local Authorities (Elections) Act, ,1979
Elections Act 1985
Local Authorities Elections Act
The Election Expenses Act, 2010
The Electoral Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2004
The Electoral Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2005 (Act No. 3/05)
The Political Parties (Amendment) Act, 2009
The Political Parties Act 2002

Administrative / Public Law

An Act to Amend certain written Laws act, 2003
Civil Service Act, 1989
Founders of the Nation (Honouring Procedures) Act, 2004
Public Procurement Act, 2004 - (Act No. 21/04)
Public Procurement Act, 2004 - (Act No. 21/04)
Public Procurement Act, 2004 - (Act No. 21/04)
Public Procurement Act, 2004 - (Act No. 21/04)
Public Procurement Regulations 2005 (Goods,Works,Non-Consultant and Disposal of Public assets by Tender)
Public Procurement Regulations 2005 (Selection and Emloyment of Consultant)
The Armaments Control Act, 1991
The Citizenship Act, 1995
The Community Service Act, No.6 of 2002
The Executive Agencies (Amendments) Act, 2009
The Fire And Rescue Services Act, 1985
The Gaming Act, 2003
The Higher Education Students' Loans Board Act, 2004
The Hotels Act - Cap. 105 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Immigration Act, 1995
The Law School of Tanzania Act, 2007
The Local Government Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments), Act 2006 - (Act No. 13/06)
The Local Government Service Act, 1982
The Ministers and Members of Parliament (Salaries and Allowances) Act
The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy Act, 2005
The National Economic Empowerment Act, 2004
The National Leaders' Funeral Act, 2006
The National Security Act 1970
The National Social Security Fund Act, 1997
The Non-Governmental Organisations Act, No. 24 of 2002
The Non-Governmental Organisations Act, No. 24 of 2002
The Office of the Attorney General (Discharge of Duties) Act, 2005 (Act No. 4/05)
The Parliamentary Immunities, Power and Privileges (amendment) Act, 2004
The Public Service (Amendment) Act, 2007 - (Act No. 18/2007)
The Public Service (Negotiating Machinery) Act, 2003
The Refugees Act, No.9 of 1998
The Statistics Act, 2002
The Statistics Act, 2002 - (Act No. 1)
The Tanzania Citizenship Act, 1995 (Act No. 6/95)
The Tanzania Commission For Science And Technology Act, 1986
The Tanzania Intelligence And Security Service Act 1996
The Tanzania Passports and Travel Documents Act,2002
The Tanzania Passports and Travel Documents Act,2002
The Tourism Act, 2008 (Act No. 29/08)
The Universities Act, 2005 (Act No. 7/2005)
The Universities Act, 2005 (Act No. 7/2005)
The Vocational Educational and Training Act, 1994
The Vocational Educational and Training Act- Cap. 82 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Weights and Measures Act 1982
The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2005 (Act No. 11/05)
The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Act, 2007 - (Act No. 19/07)
The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.2) Act, 2009
The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2005 (Act No. 5/05)
The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2005 (Act No. 5/05)
The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2007 (Act No. 15/07)
The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2007 (Act No. 15/07)
The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2009
The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments)(No2) Act, 2004

Criminal Law

The Anti- dumping and Countervailing measures Act, 2004
The Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2006 - (Act No. 12/06)
The Arms and Ammunition Act, Ch 223
The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1988 - (Act No. 5/88)
The Criminal Procedure Act, 1985 - (Act No. 9/85)
The Drugs and Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Drugs Act, 1995 - (Act No. 9/95)
The Economic And Organized Crime Control Act, 1984
The Mutual Assistance In Criminal Matters Act, 1991 - (Act No. 24/91)
The Penal Code (Amendment) Act, 1980 - (Act No. 14/80)
The Prevention Of Terrorism Act, 2002
The Prevention of Corruption Act 2002
The Proceeds Of Crime Act, 1991
The Sexual Offences Special Provisions Act, 1998
The Transfer of Prisoners Act, 2004 - (Act No. 10/04)
The Transfer of Prisoners Act, 2004 - (Act No. 10/04)

Civil Law

Land Act 1999
The Births and Deaths Registration Act , Ch 108
The Civil Procedure Code Act, 1966 - (Act No. 49/66)
The Land (Amendment) Act, 2004
The Land Tenure (Amendment) Act 2003
The Law of Marriage Act 1971
The Law of the Child Act, 2009
The Village Land Act 1999

Commercial Law

Special Economic Zones Act, 2006
The Commodity Import Support Regulation (Amendment) Act, 1999
The Export Processing Zones (Amendments) Act, 2006
The Export Processing Zones (Amendments) Act, 2006 (Act No. 3/06)
The Hides, Skins and Leather Trade Act, 2008
The Standards Act, 2009
The Tanzania Investment Act, 1997
The Tanzania Trade Development Authority Act, 2009

Company Law

Business Activities Registration Act 2005
Business Activities Registration Act, 2007
Companies Act 2002
Fair Competition Act 2003
Fair Competition Act 2003
Fair Competition Act, 2003
The Business Activities Registration Act, 2007 ( Act No.14/07)
The Business Licensing Act 1972
The Cooperative Societies Act, 2003
The Dairy Industry Act, 2004
The Dairy Industry Act, 2004
The Public Corporations (Amendment) Act, 1999

Labor Law

Pensions Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1981
The Contractors Registration (Amendment) Act, 2008
The Employment and Labour Relations Act, 2004 - (Act No.6/04)
The Employment and Labour Relations Act, 2004 - (Act No.6/04)
The Engineers Registration (Amendment) Act, 2007 - (Act No. 24/07)
The Engineers Registration Act, 1997
The Engineers Registration Act, 1997
The Labour Institution Act, 2004
The Loans And Advances Realization Trust (Amendment) Act, 1996
The Occupational Health And Safety Act, 2003
The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2003
The Organization of Tanzania Trade Unions Act, 91 - (Act No 20 / 91)
The Political Service Retirement Benefits Act, No.3 of 1999
The Workers Compensation Act, 2008
Trade Unions Act, 1998
Zanzibar labour Act 1997

Health Law

Tanzania Commission For Aids Act, 2001
Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act No. 1 of 2003
Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act No. 1 of 2003
Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act No. 1 of 2003
The Disabled Persons (Care And Maintenance) Act, 1982
The Environmental Health Practitioners (Registration) Act, 2007 - (Act No. 20/07)
The HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Control) Act, 2008 (Act No. 28/08)
The HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Control) Act, 2008 (Act No. 28/08)
The Health Laboratory Practitioners Act, 2007 - (Act No. 22/07)
The Health Laboratory Technologists Registration Act, 1997
The Human DNA Regulation Act, 2009
The Medical Radiology and Imaging Professionals Act, 2007 - (Act No. 21/07)
The Mental Health Act, 2008
The National Health Insurance Fund Act, 1999
The Pharmacy Act, 2002 - (Act No. 7)
The Private Health Laboratories Regulation A ct 1997
The Protection From Radiation Act, 1983
The Public Health Act, 2009
The Tanzania Commission for AIDS Act, 2001 - (Act No.22)
The Tanzania Food, Drugs And Cosmetics Act, 2003 Fees Regulations
The Tanzania Food, Drugs and cosmetics Act, 2003
The Tobacco Industry Act, 2001
The Tobacco Product (Regulation) Act, 2003
The Tobacco Product (Regulation) Act, 2003
The Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act, 2002

Mining Law

Mining Act 1998
Mining Act 1998

Tax Law

Car Benefit Tax Act, 1991
Income Tax Act, 2004 - (Act No. 11/04)
Income Tax Act, 2004 - (Act No. 11/04)
Income tax Act 2004
Income tax Act 2004
Income tax Act 2004
Port Services Charges Act -Cap. 264 of the Revised Edition 2002
Port Services Charges Act, 1973
The Airport Service Charges Act -Cap. 365 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Airport Service Charges Act, 1992
The East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004
The Foreign Commercial Vehicles Licensing Act, 1970
The Foreign Vehicles Transit Charges Act - Cap. 84 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Gaming Act - Cap. 41 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Gaming Act - Cap. 41 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Gaming Act Regulations 2003
The Gaming Act, 2003
The Hotels Act - Cap. 105 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Hotels Act - Cap. 105 of the Revised Edition 2006
The Motor Vehicles ( Tax on Registration and Transfer ) Act - Cap 124 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Motor Vehicles ( Tax on Registration and Transfer) Act, 1972
The Pools and Lotteries Act, 1967
The Road and Fuel Toll Act, 1985
The Road and Fuel Tolls Act -Cap. 220 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Stamp Duty Act - Cap. 189 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Stamp Duty Act, 1972
The Tanzania Revenue Authority Act, 1995
The Tanzania Revenue Authority Act, 1995
The Tax Revenue Appeals Act -Cap 408 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Tax Revenue Appeals Act -Cap 408 of the Revised Edition 2002
The Value Added Tax Act, 1997
The Value Added Tax Act, 1997
The Value Added Tax Act, 1997
The Value Added Tax Act, Ch 148 Revised 2006

Banking Law

Bank of Tanzania Act, 2006
Bank of Tanzania Act, 2006
Finance Act 2004
Foreign Exchange Act, 1992
Foreign Exchange Act, 1992
Supplentary Appropriation (For financial year 2002/2001) Act, 2003
The Appropriation Act, 2003
The Appropriation Act, 2004
The Appropriation Act, 2005
The Appropriation Act, 2006
The Appropriation Act, 2009
The Banking And Financial Institution Act, 1991
The Banking And Financial Institution Act, 2006
The Banking And Financial Institution Act, 2006
The Banking And Financial Institutions (Liquidity Management) Regulations 2008
The Capital Markets and Securities Act, 1994 - (Act No. 5/94)
The Cooperative Audit and Supervision (Amendment) Act, 2005
The Finance Act, 2002
The Finance Act, 2004
The Finance Act, 2004 - (Act No. 15/04)
The Finance Act, 2005
The Finance Act, 2006
The Financial Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2003
The Foreign Exchange (Bureau de Change) Regulations, 2008
The Government Loans, Guarantees And Grants (Amendment) Act, 2003
The Government Loans, Guarantees and Grants (Amendment) Act, 2003
The Mortgage Financing (Special Provisions) Act, 2008
The National Microfinance Bank Incorporation Act 1997
The National Microfinance Bank Limited Incorporation (Repeal) Act, 2003
The Supplementary Appropriation (For Financial Year 2008/2009) Act, 2009
The Supplentary Appropration (for short title financial year 2003/2004) Act, 2004
The Tanzania Postal Bank Act, 1991

Insurance Law

The Insurance Act 1996
The Insurance Act, 2009

Communications And Media Law

Tanzania Broadcasting Services Act of 1993
Tanzania Communications Act 1993
Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority 2003
The Broadcasting Services Act 1993
The Records and Archives Management Act, 2002 - (Act No. 3)
The Records and Archives Management Act, 2002 - (Act No. 3)
The Tanzania Broadcasting (Content) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications (Access and Facilities) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications (Broadband Services) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications (Consumer Protection) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications (Importation and Distribution) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications (Installations and Maintenance) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications (Interconnection) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications (Licensing) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications (Quality of Service) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications (Tarrifs) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications (Telecommunication Numbering and Electronic Address) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications (Type Approval of Electronic Communicatons Equipments) Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority Act, 2003
The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority Act, 2003
The Tanzania Postal Regulations 2005
The Tanzania Posts and Telecommunications (Vesting of Assets and Liabilities) Act, 1993 - (Act No. 21/93)
The Universal Communications Service Access Act of 2006

Transport And Maritime Law

Aerodromes Regulations April 2007
Merchant Shipping (Small Ships, Local Cargo Ship Safety, Small Ship Safety, Surveys And Inspections For Vessels Engaged On Local And Coastal Voyages, Inland Waters) Regulations, 2004
Tanzania Civil Aviation Act (Consolidated)
Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority Act 2003
Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority Act 2003
The Air Tanzania Corporation ( Re-Organisation and Vesting of assets and Liabilities) Act, 2002
The Civil Aviation (Aerial Work) Regulations, 2006
The Civil Aviation (Aerworthiness) Regulations, 2006
The Civil Aviation (Aircraft Registration and Marking) Regulations, 2006
The Civil Aviation (Economic) Regulations, 2007
The Civil Aviation (Ground Handling Regulations, 2007
The Civil Aviation (Licensing of Air Services) Regulations, 2006
The Civil Aviation (Rules of the air and air traffic control) Regulations, 2006
The Civil Aviation (Security) Regulations, 2007
The Civil Aviation Act 1977
The Civil Aviation Act 1977 revised 2002
The Civil Aviation Act, Ch 80 revised 2006
The Deep Sea Fishing Authority (Amendment) Act, 2007 (Act No. 17/07)
The Merchant Shipping (Ship And Port Facility Security) Regulations, 2004
The Merchant Shipping Act, 2003 - (Act No. 21/03)
The Merchant Shipping Act, 2003 - (Act No. 21/03)
The Merchant Shipping Act, 2003 - (Act No. 21/03)
The Merchant Shipping Regulations 2005
The Ports Act, 2004 - (Act No. 17/04)
The Ports Act, 2004 - (Act No. 17/04)
The Railway Act, 2002 - (Act No. 4)
The Shipping Agency Act 2002
The Shipping Agency Act, 2002
The Surface And Marine Transport Regulatory Authority Act, 2001
The Surface And Marine Transport Regulatory Authority Act, 2001
The Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act, 1989 - (Act No. 3/89)
The Transport Licensing Act 1973
The Warehouse Receipts Act, 2005 - (Act No. 10/2005)
The Warehouse Receipts Act, 2005 - (Act No. 10/2005)

Environmental Law

Fisheries Act 2003
The Animal Welfare Act, 2008
The Dar Es Salaam Water And Sewerage Authority Act, 2001
The Deep Sea Fishing Authority (Amendment) Act, 2007 (Act No. 17/07)
The Environmental Management Act, 2004 - (Act No. 20/04)
The Environmental Management Act, 2004 - (Act No. 20/04)
The Forest Act, 2002 (Act No. 14)
The Forest Act, 2002 (Act No. 14)
The Forest Act, 2002 (Act No. 14)
The Forest Ordinance 1957
The Industrial and Consumer chemical (Management and Control) Act, 2003
The Industrial and Consumer chemical (Management and Control) Act, 2003
The Tourism Act 2008
The Urban, Water Supply Act, 1981
The Water Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1999
The Water Resources Management Act, 2009
The Water Supply and Sanitation Act, 2009
The Water Supply and Sanitation Act, 2009
The Water Utilization (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1997
The Waterworks Act
The Wildlife Conservation Act, 2009

Intellectual Property Law

Merchandise Marks Act 1963
The Copyright and Neighbouring Right Act, 1999
The Patents Act, 1987 - (Act No. 1/87)
The Protection of Plant Varieties (Plan Breeders' Right act,2002
The Protection of Plant Varieties (Plan Breeders' Right act,2002
The Trade and Service Marks Act, 1986 - (Act No. 12/86)

Energy Law

The Atomic Energy (Protection From Ionizing Radiation) Regulations, 2004
The Atomic Energy Act 2003
The Atomic Energy Act 2003
The Electricity (Consumption Tax) Act, 1968 - (Act No. 42/68)
The Electricity (Meter Rental) Rules 1957
The Electricity Act, 2008 (Act No. 10/08)
The Electricity Rules 1932
The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (Payment of Annual Levy)(Commencement of Application in Petroleum Sector) Rules 2007
The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (Rules of Procedure) Rules 2007
The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority Act
The Petroleum (Conservation) Act, 1981
The Petroleum (Interim) Regulation 2000
The Rural Energy Act, 2005
The Rural Energy Act, 2005
The Songwe River Water Users' Association Regulations
The Water Utilisation (Control and Regulation) Act
The Water Utilisation (General) Regulations `1997
The Waterworks Regulations 1997

Construction Law

The Engineers registration act 1997

Agriculture Law

Agricultural Development Funds Act, 1984
Fisheries Act, 2003
Plant Protection (Control Of Water Hyacinth) Rules
Seeds Act 2003 (2003)
The Agricultural Inputs Trust Fund Act, 1994
The Animal Diseases Act, 2003 (Act No. 17/2003)
The Animal Diseases Act, 2003 (Act No. 17/2003)
The Beekeeping Act, 2002
The Cashewnut Board of Tanzania Act, 1984
The Cashewnut Industry Act, 2009
The Cashewnut Regulations, 1998
The Cereals and Other Produce Act, 2009
The Coffee Industry Act, 2001
The Coffee Industry Act, 2001
The Coffee Industry Regulations, 2003
The Cotton Industry Act, 2001
The Cotton Industry Act, 2001
The Fertilizer and Foodstuffs Ordinance, 1962
The Fertilizers Act, 2009
The Fisheries Act, 2003
The Food Security Act, 1991
The Hides and Skin Trade Act
The Meat Industry Act, 2006 - (Act No.10/06)
The Pesticides Control Regulations, 1984
The Plant Protection Act, 1997
The Plant Protection Act, 1997
The Plant Protection Regulations, 1997
The Pyrethrum Act, 1997
The Pyrethrum Regulations, 1997
The Rufiji Basin Dev. Authority Act, 1975
The Seed (Regulation of Standards) Act, 1973
The Seed Act, No.(1), 18 of 2003
The Seed Act, No.(1), 18 of 2003
The Seed Regulations, 1976
The Sisal Industry Act, 1996
The Sisal Industry Act, 1996
The Sugar Industry Act, 2001
The Sugar Industry Act, 2001
The Tea Act, 1997
The Tea Act, 1997
The Tea Regulations, 1999
The Tobacco Industry Act, 2001
The Tobacco Products ( Regulation) Act, 2003
The Tropical Pesticides Research Institute Act, 1979
The Tropical Pesticides Research Institute Act, 1979
The Tropical Pesticides Research Regulations, 1979
The Veterinary Act, 2003
The Veterinary Act, 2003

Arbitration Law

The Atomic Energy Act 2002
The Rural Energy Act, 2005

Commentated Laws

Company Law Reforms in Tanzania (by FK Law Chambers)
New Banking Act in Tanzania (by FK Law Chambers)
New Insurance Act 2009

Law Sources

Attorney General Chamber Zanzibar
Bank of Tanzania
Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority
Fair Competition Commission
Gaming Board of Tanzania
Government of Tanzania
Lawyers Environmental Action team
Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives
Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology
Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children
Ministry of East African Cooperation
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
Ministry of Energy and Minerals
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
Ministry of Higher Education, Science & Technology
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministry of Industry Trade and Marketing
Ministry of Infrastructure Development
Ministry of Labour, Employment & Youth Development
Ministry of Livestock Development
Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
Ministry of Water and Irrigation
National Electoral Commission of Tanzania
National Website of Tanzania
Parliament of tanzania
Prime Minister's Office
Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority
Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority
Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority
Tanzania Insurance Regulatory Authority
Tanzania Revenue Authority
Tanzanian Electronic networking Community
The Laws of Tanzania
Zanzibar House of Representatives

© Copyright 1996-2010 Lexadin
Document Created at August 20, 1996
Last Update april 25 2010