Administrative / Public Law / Agriculture Law / Arbitration law / Banking law / Civil Law / Commercial Law / Communications and Media Law / Company law / Constitutional law / Construction law / Criminal Law / E-Commerce / Electoral law / Energy law / Environmental Law / Health law / Human Rights / Intellectual Property Law / Labor Law / Law Sources / Litigation and court procedure / Mining Law / Tax law / Transport and Maritime Law /

Constitutional law

Constitution of New Zealand
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990

Human Rights

Human Rights Act 1993
Human Rights Act 1993

Litigation and court procedure

Court Martial Act 2007 No 101 (as at 13 June 2008), Public Act
Court Martial Appeal Court Rules 2008 (SR 2008/238)
Court Martial Appeals (Fees and Allowances) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/239)
Court of Appeal (Civil) Rules 2005 (SR 2005/69) (as at 01 July 2008)
District Courts (Categorisation of Offences) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/211)
District Courts (Prescribed Rate of Interest) Order 2008 (SR 2008/144)
Family Courts Act 1980
Family Courts Amendment Act 2000
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Disciplinary Tribunal) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/184)
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Admission) Rules 2008 (SR 2008/195)
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Complaints Service and Standards Committees) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/186)
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Fidelity Fund) Regulations 2008
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Income Sharing With Patent Attorneys) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/220)
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Indemnity) Rules 2008 (SR 2008/212)
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Practice Rules) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/188)
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Legal Complaints Review Officer) Form and Fee Regulations 2008
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Trust Account) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/183)
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006
Legal Services Regulations 2006 (SR 2006/180) (as at 01 November 2008)
Supreme Court Act 2003

Electoral law

Electoral Act 1993 (Reprint as at 17 June 2005)

Administrative / Public Law

Charities Act Commencement Order 2006
Citizenship Act 1977
Dog Control Amendment Act 2004
Families Commission Act 2003
Gambling (Fees) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/401) (as at 25 January 2008)
Gambling (Prohibited Property) Regulations 2005 (SR 2005/299) (as at 01 November 2006)
Gambling Amendment Act 2005
Immigration Act 1987
Immigration Act 1987 (Reprint as at 22 June 2005)
Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 No 15 (as at 29 April 2008), Public Act
Local Government Act 2002
Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Act 2006
Major Events Management Act 2007 No 35 (as at 01 August 2008), Public Act
Maori Language Act 1987
Privacy Act 1993
Privacy Act 1993
Public Audit Act 2001
Real Estate Agents Act 2008 No 66, Public Act
Retirement Villages Act 2003
Social Security (Cash Assets Exemption—Redundancy Payment) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/448)
Social Security (Long-term Residential Care) Regulations 2005 (SR 2005/183) (as at 03 November 2008)
Social Security (Monetary Benefits) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/229) (as at 21 April 2008)
Social Security (Rates of Benefits and Allowances) Order 2009 (SR 2009/27)
Social Security (Temporary Additional Support) Regulations 2005 (SR 2005/334) (as at 15 January 2009)
Sports Anti-Doping Act 2006 No 58 (as at 01 October 2008), Public Act

Criminal Law

Aviation Crimes Act 1972
Coroners Act 2006 No 38 (as at 24 January 2009), Public Act
Corrections Act 2004
Crimes Act 1961
Crimes Act 1961 (Reprint as at 1 June 2005)
Crimes Amendment Act 2005
Crimes of Torture Act 1989
Criminal Disclosure Act 2008 No 38, Public Act
Criminal Justice Act 1985
Criminal Justice Act 1985
Domestic Violence Act 1995
Evidence Act 1908
Evidence Act 2006 No 69 (as at 01 October 2008), Public Act
Evidence Amendment Act 2000
Extradiction Act 1999
Misuse of Drugs (Industrial Hemp) Regulations 2006 (SR 2006/163) (as at 30 June 2006)
Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 (Reprint as at 14 September 2005)
Misuse of Drugs Amendment Act 2005
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Prescribed Foreign Country) (People's Republic of China) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/355) (as at 15 April 2008)
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1992
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1992
Prisoners' and Victims' Claims Act 2005 No 74 (as at 01 October 2007), Public Act
Proceeds of Crime Act 1991
Sentencing Act 2002

Civil Law

Child Support Amendment Act 2006
Children, Young Persons and their Families Act 1989
Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989 (Reprint as at 10 February 2005)
Contractual Mistakes Act 1977
Contractual Mistakes Act 1977
Family Protection Act 1955
Family Protection Amedment Act 2001
Marriage Act 1995
Property Law Act 1952
Property Law Act 2007 No 91 (as at 25 September 2008), Public Act
Property Relationships Act 1976
Property Relationships Amendment Act 2001
Residential Tenancies Act 1986
Succession (Homicide) Act 2007 No 95 (as at 17 April 2008), Public Act
Wills Act 2007 No 36 (as at 24 April 2008), Public Act

Commercial Law

Commerce Act 1986
Commerce Act 1986 (Reprint as at 8 April 2005)
Commerce Amendment Act 2001
Consumer Guarantees Act 1993
Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (Reprint as at 1 March 2004)
Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Amendment Regulations 2004
Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Regulations 2004
Dairy Industry (Fonterra Levy) Regulations 2006 (SR 2006/157) (as at 04 September 2008)
Dairy Industry (Fonterra Levy) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/342) (as at 23 November 2007)
KiwiSaver Act 2006
Overseas Investment Act 2005 No 82 (as at 01 October 2008), Public Act
Sale of Liquor Amendment Act 2005

Company law

Companies (Voluntary Administration) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/296) (as at 01 May 2008)
Companies Act 1993
Companies Act 1993
Fair Trading Act 1986 (Reprint as at 1 October 2003)
Friendly Societies and Credit Unions (Maximum Gross Sum) Order 2008 (SR 2008/353)
Insolvency Act 1967 (Reprint as at 28 October 2005)
Limited Partnerships Act 2008 No 1 (as at 24 July 2008), Public Act
Limited Partnerships Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/93)
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Act 2004
The Takeovers Act 1993
The Takeovers Act 1993

Labor Law

Employment Relations Act 2000
Employment Relations Act 2000
Employment Relations Act 2000 (Reprint as at 16 September 2005)
Minimum Wage Act 1983
Minimum Wage Order 2008 (SR 2008/13)

Health law

Epidemic Preparedness Act 2006 No 85 (as at 02 September 2008), Public Act
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (Genetically Modified Organisms—Information Requirements for Segregation and Tracing) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/374)
Health Act 1956
Health Act 1956
Health And Disability Commissioner Act 1994
Health and Disability Services (Safety) Standards Notice 2008 (SR 2008/364)
Human Tissue Act 2008 No 28 (as at 01 November 2008), Public Act
Medicines Act 1981
Smoke-free Environments Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/39) (as at 17 June 2008)

Mining Law

Coal Mines Act 1979
Crown Minerals (Minerals Fees) Regulations 2006 (SR 2006/226) (as at 14 June 2007)
Crown Minerals (Minerals and Coal) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/399) (as at 18 June 2008)
Crown Minerals (Petroleum Fees) Regulations 2006 (SR 2006/227) (as at 14 June 2007)
Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Regulations 2007
Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/138) (as at 29 May 2008)
Crown Minerals Act 1991

Tax law

Customs Act 1966
Customs and Excise Regulations 1996
Goods and Services Tax Act 1985
Income Tax (Deemed Rate of Return, 2005–06 Income Year) Regulations 2006 (SR 2006/199) (as at 28 July 2006)
Income Tax (Minimum Family Tax Credit) Order 2008 (SR 2008/384)
Income Tax (Payroll Subsidy) Regulations 2006 (SR 2006/159) (as at 04 September 2008)
Income Tax Act 2004
Income Tax Act 2004
Income Tax Act 2007 No 97 (as at 15 December 2008), Public Act
Student Loan Scheme Amendment Act 2005
Taxation (Business Tax Measures) Act 2009 No 5, Public Act
Taxation (Limited Partnerships) Act 2008 No 2, Public Act
Taxation (Urgent Measures) Act 2005
The Customs and Excise Act 1996
The Customs and Excise Act 1996

Banking law

Airport Authorities (Eastland Infrastructure Limited) Order 2008 (SR 2008/346)
Appropriation (2008/09 Estimates) Act 2008 No 55, Public Act
Bank of New Zealand Act 1988
Bank of New Zealand Act 1988
Banking Act 1982
Crown Entities Act 2004
Finance Act 1995
Financial Advisers Act 2008 No 91 (as at 05 December 2008), Public Act
Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008 No 97, Public Act
Financial Transactions Reporting Act 1996
Insolvency (Cross-border) Act 2006 No 57 (as at 24 July 2008), Public Act
Insolvency Act 2006 No 55 (as at 01 April 2008), Public Act
Public Finance Amendment Act 2004
Securities (Mutual Recognition of Securities Offerings—Australia) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/153)
Securities Act (Babcock & Brown Limited) Exemption Notice 2009 (SR 2009/12)
Securities Act (Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited) Exemption Notice 2009 (SR 2009/3)
Securities Act (General Electric Company) Exemption Notice 2009 (SR 2009/53)
Securities Act (Short Form Prospectus) Exemption Notice 2009 (SR 2009/50)
Securities Act 1978
Securities Markets (Market Manipulation) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/373) (as at 02 April 2008)
Securities Markets (Market Manipulation) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/373) (as at 02 April 2008)
Securities Markets (Substantial Security Holders) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/372) (as at 20 May 2008)
State Sector Amendment Act (No 2) 2004

Communications and Media Law

Broadcasting Act 1989
Broadcasting Act 1989
Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Amendment Act 2005
Postal Services Act 1998
Public Records Act 2005 No 40 (as at 21 April 2005), Public Act
Telecommunications (Civil Infringement Notice) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/214) (as at 02 May 2008)
Telecommunications (Operational Separation) Determination 2007 (SR 2007/302) (as at 01 January 2009)
Telecommunications Act 2001
Telecommunications Act 2001

Transport and Maritime Law

Admiralty Act 1973
Admiralty Act 1973
Airport Authorities (Hokitika Airport Limited) Order 2008 (SR 2008/281)
Carriage by Air Act 1967
Carriage of Goods Act 1979
Civil Aviation (Offences) Regulations 2006 (SR 2006/168) (as at 10 October 2006)
Civil Aviation Act 1990
Civil aviation Act 1990
Land Transport Act 1998
Land Transport Act 1998 (Reprint as at 5 September 2005)
Maritime Crimes Act 1999
Maritime Rules
Maritime Security Act 2004
Maritime Security Act 2004
Maritime Security Act 2004
Maritime Transport Act 1994
Maritime Transport Act 1994
Mercantile Law Act 1908
Port Companies Act 1988
Public Transport Management Act 2008 No 87, Public Act
Railways Act 2005
Ship Registration Act 1992
Shipping Act 1987
Shipping Act 1987
Transport Act 1962
Transport Amendment Act 1997
Transport Services Licensing Act 1989

Environmental Law

Climate Change (Forestry Sector) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/355)
Climate Change Response Act 2002
Environment Act 1986
Environment Act 1986
Forest and Rural Fires Regulations 2005 (SR 2005/153) (as at 06 November 2008)
Forests Act 1949
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996
Litter Amendment Act 2006
National Parks Act 1980
Ozone Layer Protection Act 1996
Resource Management Amendment Act 2005
Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941.
Waste Minimisation Act 2008 No 89, Public Act
Wildlife Act 1953

Intellectual Property Law

Amendment to 1987 PVR Act
Copyright Act 1994
Copyright Act 1994 (Reprint as at 4 November 2005)
Designs Act 1953
Geographical Indications (Wine and Spirits) Registration Act 2006 No 60 (as at 14 April 2008), Public Act
Geographical Indications Act 1994 Repeal Order 2008 (SR 2008/64)
Layout Designs Act 1994
Patents Act 1953
Patents Act 1953
Plant Variety Rights Act 1987
Trade Marks Act 2002
Trademarks Act 2002

Arbitration law

Arbitration Act 1996

Energy law

Electricity (China Free Trade Agreement) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/223)
Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003
Electricity Act 1992 and Amendments
Electricity Governance (Security of Supply) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/252)
Electricity Regulations 1997 and Amendments
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000
Engine Fuel Specifications Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/138)
Gas Act 1992
Gas Act 1992 (Reprint as at 24 August 2005)
Gas Governance (Compliance) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/253) (as at 04 December 2008)
Gas Regulations 1993 and Amendments
Ministry of Energy (Abolition) Act 1989
Petroleum Products Specifications Regulations 2002
Takeovers Act 1993

Construction law

Building (Consent Authority Accreditation Fees) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/102) (as at 15 April 2008)
Building (Dam Safety) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/208)
Building (Fee for Determinations) Regulations 2005 (SR 2005/55) (as at 11 March 2005)
Building (Infringement Offences, Fees, and Forms) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/403) (as at 13 June 2008)
Building (Product Certification) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/360)
Building (Registration of Building Consent Authorities) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/300) (as at 05 May 2008)
Building (Specified Systems, Change the Use, and Earthquake-prone Buildings) Regulations 2005 (SR 2005/32) (as at 12 January 2006)
Building Act 2004
Building Act 2004
Building Amendment Act 2005
Building Practitioners (Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/304)
Building Practitioners (Register of Licensed Building Practitioners) Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/98)
Construction Act 1959
Construction Contracts Act 2002
Construction Contracts Amendment Act 2003
Registered Architects Act 2005 No 38 (as at 21 April 2005), Public Act
Registered Architects Rules 2006 (SR 2006/161) (as at 08 September 2008)

Agriculture Law

Animal Products (Dairy Industry Fees and Charges) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/131) (as at 01 January 2009)
Animal Products (Dairy) Regulations 2005 (SR 2005/104) (as at 22 April 2005)
Animal Products (Fees, Charges, and Levies) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/130) (as at 01 July 2008)
Fisheries (Benthic Protection Areas) Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/308) (as at 05 June 2008)
Veterinarians Act 2005 No 126 (as at 24 January 2009), Public Act
Wine Regulations 2006 (SR 2006/147) (as at 01 December 2008)


Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 No 7 (as at 23 April 2008), Public Act

Law Sources

New Zealand Government NZ legislation
New Zealand Legislation
The Knowledge Basket New Zealand legislation
Broadcasting Standards Authority
Civil Aviation Authority
Commerce Commission
Department of Building and Housing
Department of Conservation
Department of Corrections
Department of Labour
EECA - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
Eergy Safety Service
Inland Revenue
Land Information New Zealand
Land Transport NZ
Law Commission
Legal Services Agency
Legislation Advisory Committee
Legislation Direct
LegislationNZ Bills & SOPs for 2004/5
Lexisnexis New Zealand
Maori Land Legislation Database
Maritime New Zealand (Ministry)
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Ministry of Consumer Affairs
Ministry of Consumer Affairs
Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Fisheries
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Housing
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Maori Development: Te Puni Kokiri
Ministry of Social Development
Ministry of Women's Affairs
Ministry of Youth Development
Ministry of the Environment
NZ Statutes (The Knowledge Basket)
New Zealand Food Safety Authority
New Zealand Gazette
New Zealand Legal Information Institute (NZLII)
New Zealand Maritime Law
New Zealand Medicines and Medical devices Safety Authority
New Zealands Custom Service
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Securities Commission
Takeovers legislation
The GP Legislation Collection
The Treasury

© Copyright 1996-2009 Lexadin
Document Created at August 20, 1996
Last Update april 02 2009