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Constitutional Law

Constitution of Brunei

Litigation And Court Procedure

Advocates and Solicitors (Practice and Etiquette) Rules
Advocates and Solictors Rules
Evidence Act (Ch 108)
Intermediate Courts (Ch 162)
Interpretation and General Clauses Act (Ch 4)
Legal Profession ( Practising Certificate) Rules
Legal Profession Act (Ch 132)
Legal Proffesion (Accountant's Report) Rules
Limitation Act (Ch 14)
Oaths and Affirmations (Ch 3)
Powers of Attorney Act (Ch 13)
Reciprocal Enforcement of Foreign Judgments (Ch 177)
Religious Council and Kadis Court Act (Ch 77)
Subordinate Courts Act (Ch 6)
Subordinate Courts Rules 1
Subordinate Courts Rules 2
Subordinate Courts Rules 3
Subordinate Courts Rules 4
Supreme Court (Appeals to Privy Council) Act (Ch 158)
Supreme Court Act (Ch 5)
Supreme Court Rules
Syariah Courts (Ch 184)

Electoral Law

Election Offences Act (Ch 26)

Administrative / Public Law

Antiquities and Treasure Trove Act (Ch 31)
Application of Laws (Ch 2)
Banishment Act (Ch 20)
Biological Weapons Act (Ch 87)
Bishop of Borneo Act (Ch 88)
Brunei Board of Examination Act (Ch 56)
Brunei Economic Development Board Act (Ch 104)
Brunei Nationality Act (Ch 15)
Brunei Nationality Act (Ch 15)
Brunei Nationality Act Designation of Areas under Regulation 9
Brunei Nationality Regulations (Registration)
Census Act (Ch 78)
Commission of Inquiry Act (Ch 9)
Commissioner for Oaths Act (Ch 169)
Common Gaming Houses Act (Ch 28)
Consular Relations Act (Ch 118)
Defamation Act (Ch 192)
Diplomatic Privilege Act (Ch 117)
Diplomatic Privileges Act (Ch 85)
Dogs Act (Ch 60)
Education (Non-Government Schools) Act (Ch 55)
Emblems and Names Act (Ch 94)
Emergency Regulations Act (Ch 21)
Fire Service Act (Ch 82)
Immigration Act (Ch 17)
Internal Security Act (Ch 133)
Internationally Protected Persons Act (Ch 16)
Law Revision Act (Ch 1)
Municipal Board Act (Ch 57)
National Registration Regulations
National Registration Regulations (Control of Photographs)
National Registration Regulations (Transitional Provisions)
Nationality Registration Act (Ch 19)
Passport Act (Ch 146)
Public Officers (liability) Act (Ch 80)
Public Order Act (Ch 148)
Public Service Commission Act (Ch 83)
Registration of Guests Act (Ch 122)
Registration of Marriages Act (Ch 124)
Security Agencies Act (Ch 187)
Sedition Act (Ch 24)
Specific relief Act (Ch 109)
Statistics Act (Ch 81)
Statutory Declarations Act (Ch 12)
Transfer of the Functions of the Minister of Law Act (Ch 186)
Travel Agents Act (Ch 103)
Trespass on Royal Property Act (Ch 23)
University Brunei Darussalam Act (Ch 157)
Unlawful Carnal Knowledge Act (Ch 29)

Criminal Law

Anti Terrorism (Financial and other Measure) Act (ch 197)
Arms and Explosive Act (Ch 59)
Arms and Explosives Rules
Computer Misuse Act (ch 194)
Criminal Appeal Rules
Criminal Law Act (Ch 150)
Criminal Procedure Code (Ch 7)
Criminal Procedure Code Rules 1
Criminal Procedure Code Rules 2
Criminal Procedure Code Rules 3
Criminals Registration Act 2009
Disaffected and Dangerous Persons Act (Ch 111)
Extradiction Act (Ch 8)
Extradiction Act (Ch 8)
Extradition (Malaysia and Singapore) Act (Ch 154)
Kidnapping Act (Ch 164)
Minor Offences Act (Ch 30)
Misuse of Drugs Act (Ch 27)
Misuse of Drugs Act (Ch 27)
Misuse of Drugs Regulations
Misuse of Drugs Regulations
Misuse of Drugs Regulations ( Approved Institutions , Discipline)
Misuse of Drugs Regulations ( Approved Institutions , Discipline)
Misuse of Drugs Regulations ( Approved Institutions and Treatment and Rehalibitation)
Misuse of Drugs Regulations ( Approved Institutions and Treatment and Rehalibitation)
Misuse of Drugs Regulations ( Board of Visitor for Approved Institutions)
Misuse of Drugs Regulations ( Board of Visitor for Approved Institutions)
Penal Code (Ch 22)
Penal Code (Ch 22)
Prevention of Corruption Act (Ch 131)
Prisons Act (Ch 51)
Probate and Administration Act (Ch 11)
Royal Brunei Police Force Act (Ch 50)
Summonses and Warrants (Special Provision) Act (Ch 155)
Women and Girls Protection Act (Ch 120)

Civil Law

Chinese Marriage Act (Ch 126)
Contract Act (Ch 106)
Description of Land Act (Ch 101)
Dissolution of Marriage Act (Ch 165)
Fatal Accident and Personal Injuries Act (Ch 160)
Guardianship of Infants (Ch 191)
Land Acquisition Act (Ch 41)
Land Code (Strata) Act (Ch 189)
Land Code Act (Ch 40)
Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act (Ch 53)
Licensed Land Surveyors Act (Ch 100)
Marriage Act (Ch 76)
Married Women Act (Ch 190)
Unfair Contact Terms Act (Ch 171)
Wills Act (Ch 193)

Commercial Law

Bill of Sale Act (Ch 70)
Bills of Exchange Act (Ch 172)
Brunei Investment Agency Act (Ch 137)
Investments Incentives Act (Ch 97)
Miscellaneous Licences Act (Ch 127)
Miscellaneous Licences Act (Ch 127)
Price Control Act (Ch 142)
Rubber Dealers Act (Ch 64)
Sale of Goods Act (Ch 170)
Second-Hand Dealers Act (Ch 65)
Weights and Measure Act (Ch 151)

Company Law

Brunei Malay Silvermiths Guild (Incorporation) Act (Ch 115)
Business Name Act (Ch 92)
Companies Act (Ch 39)
Cooperative Societies Act (Ch 84)
Monopolies Act (Ch 73)
Societies Act (Ch 66)
Vicar Apostolic of Kuching Act (Ch 110)

Labor Law

Employment Information Act (Ch 99)
Labour (Domestic Servants) Rules
Labour (Imiigrant Workers' Employement Licences) Rules
Labour (Limitation of Duties and Powers) Rules
Labour (Maternity Benefits) Rules
Labour (Payment of Wages by Cheque) Rules
Labour (Public Contracts) Rules
Labour (Public Holidays) Rules
Labour Act (Ch 93)
Labour Act (Ch 93)
Pensions Act (Ch 38)
Trade Disputes Act (Ch 129)
Trade Union Act (Ch 128)
Workmen's Compensation Act (Ch 74)
Workmen's Unemployment Indemnity Act (Ch 75)

Health Law

Burial Grounds Act (Ch 49)
Geneva and Red Cross Act (Ch 86)
Intoxicating Substances Act (Ch 161)
Lunacy Act (Ch 48)
Medical Practitioners Dentists Act (Ch 112)
Old Age and Disability Pensions Act (Ch 18)
Poisons Act (Ch 114)
Poisons Act (Ch 114)
Public Health (Food) (Ch 182)
Public Health (Food) Rergulations
Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Act (Ch 47)
Registration of Adoption Rules
Registration of Adoptions Act (Ch 123)
Subscriptions Control Act (Ch 91)

Mining Law

Mining Act (Ch 42)
Petroleum Mining Act (Ch 44)

Tax Law

Customs Act (Ch 36)
Execise Act (Ch 37)
Income Tax (Development of Mineral Resources) (encouragement) Order
Income Tax (Double Taxation Relief) (UK) Order
Income Tax (Forms) Rules
Income Tax (Machinery or Plant) (Annual Allowance) Rules
Income Tax (Machinery or Plant) (Annual Allowance) Rules
Income Tax (Petroleum) Act (Ch 119)
Income tax Act (Ch 35)
Income tax Act (Ch 35)

Banking Law

Asian Development Bank Act 2009
Audit Act (Ch 152)
Banker's Book Act (Ch 107)
Banking Act (Ch 95)
Bankruptcy Act (Ch 67)
Coin (Import and Export) Act (Ch 33)
Currency Act (ch 32)
Debtors Act (Ch 195)
Exchange Control Act (Ch 141)
Finance Companies (Advertisements) Rules
Finance Companies (Licensing Fees) Rules
Finance Companies Act (Ch 89)
Islamic Banking Act (Ch 168)
Money-Changing and Remittance Businesses Act (Ch 174)
Moneylenders Act (Ch 62)
National Bank of Brunei Act (Ch 156)
Pawnbrokers Act (Ch 63)

Communications And Media Law

Broadcasting Act (Ch 180)
Brunei National Archives Act (Ch 116)
Censorship of Films and Public Entertainments Act (Ch 69)
Computer Misuse Order
Electronic Transaction Order
Local Newspaper Act (Ch 105)
Local Newspaper Act (Ch 105)
Local Newspaper Regulations
Local Newspapers (Permit) regulations
Newspapers Act (Ch 105) Local Newspaper Regulations
Official Secrets Act (Ch 153)
Post Office Act (Ch 52)
Preservation of Books Act (Ch 125)
Public Entertainment Act (Ch 181)
Stamp Act (Ch 34)
Stamp Act (Ch 34)
Telecommunications Act (Ch 54)
Undersirable Publications Act (Ch 25)

Transport And Maritime Law

Admiralty Jurisdiction Act (Ch 179)
Air Navigation Act (Ch 113)
Airport Passenger Service Charge Act (Ch 188)
Brunei Fishery Limits Act (Ch 130)
Fisheries Act (Ch 61)
Road Traffic Act (Ch 68)
Road Traffic Regulations
Territorial Waters of Brunei Act (Ch 138)

Environmental Law

Forest Act 2002 (ch 46)
Water Supply Act (Ch 121)
Wild Life Protection Act (Ch 102)

Intellectual Property Law

Inventions Act (Ch 72)
Merchandise Marks Act (Ch 96)
Trade Mark Rules
Trade Marks Act (Ch 98)
Trademarks (Imnportation of Infringing Goods) regulations

Energy Law

Electricity Act (Ch 71)
Electricity Act (Ch 71)
Petroleum (Pipe-Lines) Act (Ch 45)
Petroleum Mining Act (Ch 44)

Agriculture Law

Agricultural Pests and Naxious Plants (Ch 43)
Buffaloes Act (Ch 59)
Halal Meat Act (Ch 183)


Electronic Transactions Act (Ch 196)

Arbitration Law

Arbitration Act (Ch 173)


Bretton Woods Agreement Act (Ch 176)
Tokyo Convention (Ch 198)
Tokyo Convention Act (Ch 198)

Law Sources

Ministry of Development
Attorney General Chambers - Laws of Brunei
Department of Agriculture
Fisheries Department
MInistry of Health
Ministry of Communications
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Ministry of Industry
Prime Ministers' Office

© Copyright 1996-2010 Lexadin
Document Created at August 20, 1996
Last Update october 10 2010