Constitutional Law
Constitution of Botswana
Constitution of Botswana
Litigation And Court Procedure
Chapter04:01 Court of Appeal
Chapter04:02 High Court
Chapter04:03 Judges (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Chapter04:04 Magistrates' Court
Chapter04:05 Customary Courts
Chapter05:01 Justices of the Peace
Chapter10:02 Evidence in Civil Proceedings
Chapter15:01 Powers of Attorney
Chapter28-02 Affiliation Proceedings
Electoral Law
Chapter02-09 Electoral Act (part 1)
Chapter02-09 Electoral Act (part 2)
Chapter02-09 Electoral Act (part 3)
Chapter02-09 Electoral Act (part 4)
Chapter02-09 Electoral Act (part 5)
Chapter02-09 Electoral Act (part 6)
Chapter02:01 Presidential Elections (Supplementary Provisions)
Chapter02:09 Electoral
Administrative / Public Law
Chapter01-03 Revision of the Laws Act
Chapter01-04 Interpretation
Chapter01:01 Citizenship
Chapter01:02 National Registration
Chapter02-03 Presidents (Pensions and Retirement Benefits)
Chapter02-04 Ministers and National Assembly Gratuities and Pensions
Chapter02-06 National Assembly (Salaries and Allowances)
Chapter02:12 Ombudsman
Chapter02:12 Ombudsman
Chapter03:02 Administrative Districts
Chapter14:02 Authentication of Documents
Chapter18-01 Statistics Act
Chapter18-01 Statistics Act
Chapter18-01 Statistics Act
Chapter19-01 Casino Act
Chapter22-02 Public Order
Chapter22-04 Emergency Powers
Chapter23-01 National Security
Chapter23-01 National Security
Chapter23-02 Intelligence and Security Service
Chapter25-01 Refugees (Recognition and Control)
Chapter25-02 Immigration
Chapter26-04 Specified Offices (Salaries and Allowances)
Chapter30-01 Births and Deaths Registration
Chapter36-06 Matimela
Chapter40-01 Local Government
Chapter40-01 Local Government-District Councils ACT
Chapter40-02 Townships
Chapter40-02 Townships
Chapter40-02 Townships
Chapter40-02 Townships Subs Legisl
Chapter41-01 Chieftainship ACT-subsidary
Chapter41-01 Chieftainship act
Chapter42-08 Public Procurement and Asset Disposal
Chapter42-08 Public Procurement and Asset Disposal
Chapter57-01 University of Botswana
Chapter57-04 Tertiary Education
Chapter57-04 Tertiary Education Act : Subs Legisl
Chapter58-01 Education
Chapter59-03 Monuments and Relics
Chapter59-03 Monuments and Relics : Subs.Legisl.
Tribal Land Legislation
Criminal Law
Chapter21-01 Police
Chapter21-03 Prisons
Chapter24-02 Explosives
Chapter24:01 Arms and Ammunition
Chapter24:01 Arms and Ammunition
Chapter28-05 Domestic Violence
Chapter28-05 Domestic Violence
Chapter31-04 Local Police
Chapter63-04 Drugs and Related Substances
Chapter8:01 Penal Code
Chapter8:01 Penal Code
Chapter8:02 Criminal Procedure and Evidence
Chapter8:03 Proceeds of Serious Crime
Chapter8:03 Proceeds of Serious Crime
Chapter8:03 Proceeds of Serious Crime
Chapter8:04 Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
Chapter8:05 Corruption and Economic Crime
Chapter8:05 Corruption and Economic Crime
Chapter8:06 Cyber Crime and Computer Related Crimes
Chapter9:02 Witchcraft
Chapter9:03 Extradition
Drugs and Related Substances Act 1992
Explosives Act
Proceeds of Serious Crime Act 1990
Proceeds of Serious Crime Act 1990
Proceeds of Serious Crimes (Amendment) Act 2000
Civil Law
Chapter26-03 Promissory Oaths
Chapter28-01 Adoption of Children
Chapter28-04 Children's
Chapter29-01 Marriage
Chapter29-02 Antenuptial Contracts
Chapter29-03 Married Persons Property
Chapter29-07 Abolition of Marital Power
Chapter31-04 Wills
Chapter32-02 Law of Inheritance
Chapter32-10 Acquisition of Property
Chapter32-10 Acquisition of Property
Chapter32-10 Acquisition of Property : Subs. Legisl.
Commercial Law
Botswana Export Development And Investment Authority Act, 1997
Chapter42-07 Consumer Protection
Chapter43-01 Industrial Development
Chapter43-01 Industrial Development : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter43-02 Trade
Chapter43-02 Trade
Chapter43-03 Trade Returns
Chapter43-04 Shop and Restaurant Hours
Chapter43-06 Weights and Measures
Chapter43-07 Standard
Chapter43-08 Control of Goods, Prices and Other Charges
Chapter43-11 Liquor
Chapter43-11 Liquor : Subsid. Legisl.
Chapter44-01 Factories
Chapter44-01 Factories : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter48-02 Trade Disputes
Company Law
Chapter18:01 Societies
Chapter18:01 Societies
Chapter18:01 Societies
Chapter18:01 Societies : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter42-01 Companies
Chapter42-01 Companies
Chapter42-05 Registration of Business Names
Chapter43-10 Small Business
Competition Act No. 17 of 2009
Labor Law
Chapter03:07 Public Holidays
Chapter47-01 Employment
Chapter48-01 Trade Unions and Employers' Organizations
Chapter48-01 Trade Unions and Employers' Organizations
Chapter48-01 Trade Unions and Employers' Organizations : Subs Legisl
Employment Act 1982. No. 29.
Vocational Training Act 1998
Health Law
Chapter61-02 Botswana Health Professions
Chapter61-03 Nurses and Midwives
Chapter63-01 Public Health
Chapter63-01 Public Health
Chapter63-01 Public Health
Chapter63-01 Public Health : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter63-02 Mental Disorders
Chapter63-03 Sleeping Sickness
Chapter63-03 Sleeping Sickness : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter63-05 Private Hospitals and Nusing Homes
Chapter64-01 Red Cross Society of Botswana
Chapter65-04 Control of Smoking
Chapter65:05 Food Control
Mining Law
Chapter 66-01 Mines and Minerals Act
Chapter 66-01 Mines and Minerals Act : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter44-02 Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act
Chapter44-02 Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act
Chapter44-02 Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act Regulations
Chapter50-01 Customs and Excise Duty
Chapter66-02 Mineral Rights in Tribal Territories
Diamond Cutting Act
Export and Inport of rough diamonds regulations
Mines and Minerals Act 1999
Mines and Minerals Act 1999
Precious and Semi-Precious Stones (Protection) Act
Unwrought Precious Metals Act
Tax Law
Chapter50-01 Customs and Excise Duty
Chapter50-03 Customs and Excise Duty Act
Chapter50-03 Customs and Excise Duty Act Subsidiary Legislation
Chapter50-03 Value Added Tax
Chapter50-03 Value Added Tax
Chapter50-03 Value Added Tax
Chapter50-03 Value Added Tax Act Subsidiary Legislation
Chapter52-01 Income Tax
Chapter52-01 Income Tax
Chapter52-01 Income Tax
Chapter52-01 Income Tax Act Subsidiary Legislation
Chapter52-02 Mineral Rights Tax
Chapter53-01 Capital Transfer Tax
Chapter53-02 Capital Transfer Tax
Chapter53-02 Capital Transfer Tax
Chapter53-03 Botswana Unified Revenue Service Act
Income Tax (Ammendments) Act 1999
Income Tax (Ammendments) Act July 2006
Income Tax (Ammendments) Declaration
Value Added Tax Act Amendment Act 2002
Banking Law
Bank of Botswana (Amendment) Act
Banking Act 1995
Banking Act 1995
Banking Anti-money laundering regulations 2003
Botswana Stock Exchange Act 1994
Chapter42-02 Insolvency
Chapter46-04 Banking
Chapter46-04 Banking
Chapter46-04 Banking - Subs Leg : Anti Money Laundering
Chapter46-06 National Clearance and Settlement Systems
Chapter46-06 National Clearance and Settlement Systems: Subs Leg
Chapter54-01 Finance & Audit
Chapter55-01 Bank of Botswana Act
Chapter56-04 Development Loan (Botswana Registered Bonds)
Collective Investment Undertakings Act 2001
Insurance Law
Chapter46-01 Insurance Industry
International Insurance Act 2005
International Insurance Regulations 2007
Communications And Media Law
Chapter59-04 National Archives and Record Services
Chapter59-04 National Archives and Record Services
Chapter60-02 Cinematograph
Chapter72-03 Telecommunications
Chapter72-03 Telecommunications
Chapter72-03 Telecommunications
Chapter72-03 Telecommunications : Subsidiary Legislation
Chapter72-03 Telecommunications : Subsidiary Legislation
Chapter72-04 Broadcasting
Chapter72-04 Broadcasting
Chapter72-04 Broadcasting: Subsidiary Legislation
Chapter72-05 Botswana Telecommunications Corporation (transition)
Media Practioners Act 2008
Transport And Maritime Law
Air Navigation Regulations, 1977
Air Transport (Temporary Air Service Permits) Regulations, 1976
Chapter69-01 Road Traffic
Chapter69-02 Motor Vehicle Accident Fund
Chapter70-01 Botswana Railways
Chapter70-03 Railway (Compensation for Livestock)
Chapter71-01 Civil Aviation
Chapter71-01 Civil Aviation : Subs Legisl
Chapter71-02 Aviation Security
Chapter71-03 Civil Aviation Regulation (Reform) Act, 2003
Chapter71-04 Civil Aviation Authority
Chapter74-09 Air Botswana (transition)
Civil Aviation (Fees) Regulations, 2004
Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations, 1983
Civil Aviation Authority (Amendment) Act, 2008
En Route Navigation Charges Regulations, 1999
Road Traffic Amendment Act 2001
Environmental Law
Chapter34-01 Water
Chapter34-01 Water
Chapter34-01 Water : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter34-03 Waterworks
Chapter34-03 Waterworks : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter38-01 Wildlife Conservation and National Parks
Chapter38-01 Wildlife Conservation and National Parks
Chapter38-01 Wildlife Conservation and National Parks : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter38-02 Herbage Preservation (Prevention of Fires)
Chapter38-02 Herbage Preservation (Prevention of Fires)
Chapter38-03 Forest
Chapter38-03 Forest
Chapter38-03 Forest
Chapter38-03 Forest : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter38-04 Fish Protection
Chapter42-09 Tourism
Chapter42-09 Tourism
Chapter42-09 Tourism
Chapter42-09 Tourism : Subs. Legisl.
Chapter42-09 Tourism : Subs. Legisl.
Chapter65-03 Atmospheric Pollution (Prevention)
Chapter65-03 Atmospheric Pollution (Prevention)
Chapter65-03 Atmospheric Pollution (Prevention) : Subs. Legisl.
Chapter65-06 Waste Management
Chapter65-06 Waste Management
Chapter65-07 Environmental Impact Assesment
Environmental Assesment Act 2011
Intellectual Property Law
Chapter03-05 Protected Names
Chapter68-02 Copyright and Neighbouring Rights
Chapter68-02 Copyright and Neighbouring Rights
Chapter68-02 Copyright and Neighbouring Rights
Chapter68-02 Copyright and Neighbouring Rights
Chapter68-03 Industrial Property
Chapter68-03 Industrial Property
Industrial Property Act of 1996
Energy Law
Chapter24-03 Radiation Protection Act
Chapter24-03 Radiation Protection Act
Chapter24-03 Radiation Protection Act : Subs Legisl
Chapter34-02 Boreholes
Chapter67-01 Petroleum (Exploration and Production
Chapter73-01 Electricity Supply
Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act
Construction Law
Chapter32-09 Town and Country Planning
Chapter32-09 Town and Country Planning
Chapter32-09 Town and Country Planning : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter65-02 Building Control
Chapter65-02 Building Control
Chapter65-02 Building Control : Subs.Legisl.
Agriculture Law
Chapter32-01 State Land
Chapter32-01 State Land : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter32-02 Tribal Land
Chapter32-02 Tribal Land : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter32-11 Land Control
Chapter32-11 Land Control
Chapter33-03 Fencing
Chapter33-03 Fencing : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter34-03 Aquatic Weeds Act
Chapter34-03 Aquatic Weeds Act (Control)
Chapter35-01 Agricultural Charges
Chapter35-02 Plant Diseases and Pests
Chapter35-02 Plant Diseases and Pests
Chapter35-02 Plant Diseases and Pests
Chapter35-03 Locusts
Chapter35-04 Noxious Weeds
Chapter35-04 Noxious Weeds : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter35-06 Agricultural Resources Conservation
Chapter35-06 Agricultural Resources Conservation
Chapter35-06 Agricultural Resources Conservation : Subs. Legisl.
Chapter35-07 Seed Certification
Chapter35-07 Seed Certification
Chapter36-01 Control of Livestock Industry
Chapter36-02 Branding of Cattle
Chapter36-03 Livestock and Meat Industries
Chapter37-01 Diseases of Animals
Chapter37-01 Diseases of Animals
Chapter37-01 Diseases of Animals
Chapter37-01 Diseases of Animals : Subs.Legisl.
Chapter37-02 Cruelty to Animals
Chapter38-04 Fish Protection
Arbitration Law
Chapter06:01 Arbitration
Chapter39-02 Consular Conventions
Chapter39-03 Geneva Conventions
Commentated Laws
The Companies Act 2003
Law Sources
Bank of Botswana
Botswana Environmental Information System
Botswana Gazette
Botswana Ministry of Local Goverment
Botswana Stock Exchange
Botswana Telecommunications Authority
Botswana Unified Revenue Service
Central Statistics Ofiice
Civil Aviation Authority
Department of Mines
Government of Botswana
Laws of Botswana
Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Lands and Housing
Ministry of Trade & Industry
Ministry of Works and Transport