Constitutional law
Constitution of Malta
Malta Constitution
Litigation and court procedure
Acts of Parliament (Application) (Powers of Court of Magistrates) Ordinance
Auditor General and National Audit Office Act
Ecclesiastical Courts (Constitution and Jurisdiction) Law
Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act
Inferior Courts (Re-designation) Act
International Criminal Court Act
Judicial Proceedings (Regulation of Reports) Act
Judicial Proceedings (Use of English Language) Act
Juvenile Court Act
Small Claims Tribunal Act
Electoral law
General Elections Act
Referenda Act
Administrative / Public Law
Administrative Justice Act
Cultural Heritage Act
Education Act
Education Act - Chapter 327 as at 2007
Emergency Powers Act
European Union Act
Immigration Act
Maltese Citizenship Act
Metrology Act
National Archives Act
Ombudsman Act
Passports Ordinance
Public Administration Act
Public Registry Act
Refugees Act
Social Security Act
Sports Act
Sports Act
Criminal Law
Arms Act
Code of Police Laws
Criminal Code
Dangerous Drugs Ordinance
Domestic Violence Act
Explosives Ordinance
Extradition Act
Permanent Commission Against Corruption Act
Police Act
Prevention of Corruption (Players) Act
Prevention of Money Laundering Act
Prisoners on Board Merchant Ships Ordinance
Prisons Act
Probation Act
Civil Law
Administration of Lands Act
Children and Young Persons Act - Chapter 285
Civil Code
Code of Organization and Civil Procedure
Data Protection Act
Home Ownership (Encouragement) Act
Immovable Property (Acquisition by Non-Residents) Act
Land Registration Act
Marriage Act
Marriage Legacies Law
Promises of Marriage Law
Commercial Law
Commercial Code
Consumers Affairs Act
Doorstep Contracts Act
Malta Standards Authority Act
Product Safety Act
Trade Descriptions Act
Trading Licences Act
Trading Licences Act
Company law
Business Promotion Act
Co-operative Societies Act
Companies Act
Competition Act
LN 354 of 2008 – Companies Act (Fees) Regulations
Malta Enterprise Act
Labor Law
Disabled Persons (Employment) Act
Employment & Industrial Relations Act
Equality for Men and Women Act
National Holidays and other Public Holidays Act
Occupational Health And Safety Authority Act
Health law
Food Safety Act
Food, Drugs and Drinking Water Act
Health Care Professions Act
Human Blood and Transplants Act
Legal Notice 165 of 2007: Availability of Medicinal Products within the Government Health Services Regulations, 2007
Legal Notice 231 of 2008: Medicines (Marketing Authorisation) (Amendment) Regulations
Legal Notice 264 of 2006: Special Procedure (Penalties in respect of the Medicines Act) Regulations, 2006
Legal Notice 315 of 2006: Medicines Authority (Fees) Regulations, 2006
Legal Notice 324 of 2007: Medicines (Marketing Authorisation) Regulations
Legal Notice 325: Medicinal Products (Package Leaflets and Labelling) (Transitional Arrangments) Regulations, 2006
Legal Notice 365 of 2005: Methadone Rules, 2005
Legal Notice 379 of 2005: Herbal Medicinal Products Regulations, 2005
Legal Notice 380 of 2005: Medicinal Products (Advertising) Regulations, 2005
Legal Notice 381 of 2005 - Manufacture and Importation of Medicinal Products for Human Use Regulations, 2005
Legal Notice 386 of 2005 - Wholesale Distribution of Medicinal Products Regulations, 2005
Legal Notice 393 of 2005: Medicinal Products (Labelling and Packaging) Regulations, 2005
Legal Notice 398 of 2003: Government Health Services (List of Medicinal Products) Regulations, 2003
Legal Notice 399 of 2003: Government Health Services (List of Available Medicinal Products) Regulations, 2003
Legal Notice 60 of 2008: Medicinal Products (Injunction to Advertising) Regulations, 2008
Legal Notice 67 of 2007: Prescription Forms for Free Medicinals Rules, 2007
Legal Notice 80 of 2006: Government Health Services (List of Medicinal Products) (Repeal) Regulations, 2006
Legal Notice 81 of 2008: Pharmacy Licence (Amendment) Regulations, 2008
Medicines Act
Medicines Act
Mental Health Act
Pharmacy Licence Regulations, 2007
Public Health Act
Tobacco (Smoking Control) Act
Insurance Law
Insurance Business Act
Insurance Intermediaries Act
Tax law
Bunkering (Fuels) Tax Act
Customs Ordinance
Customs and Excise Tax Act
Excise Duty Act
Income Tax Act
Income Tax Management Act
Motor Vehicles Registration Tax Act
Value Added Tax Act
Banking law
Banking Act
Budget Measures Implementation (2009) Act
Central Bank of Malta Act
Central Bank of Malta Act
Directive No. 10: Banknote Recycling Framework
Directive No. 2: Payment and Securities Settlement Systems
Directive No. 3: Cross-Border Credit Transfers
Directive No. 4: Electronic Payment Services
Directive No. 5: Statistical Reporting Requirements
Directive No. 6: Harmonised Conditions for Participation in TARGET2-Malt
Directive No. 7: Provision of Intraday Credit
Directive No. 8: Documentation on Monetary Policy Instruments and Procedures
Directive No. 9: Collection of Information
Financial Administration and Audit Act
Financial Institutions Act
Financial Markets Act
Financial Year Act
Internal Audit and Financial Investigations Act
Investment Services Act
Italian Government Loan Act
L. N. 326 of 2006 - Insurance Intermediaries (Exemption) Regulations
L. N. 329 of 2007 - Investment Services Act (Exemption) Regulations
L. N. 329 of 2007 - Investment Services Act (Exemption) Regulations
L. N. 359 of 2008 - Investment Services Act (Licence and other Fees) Regulations
L. N. 359 of 2008 - Investment Services Act (Licence and other Fees) Regulations
L.N. 110 of 2001 as amended - Fees payable on the Filing of Judicial Acts in connection with Appeals Regulations
L.N. 113 of 1998 - Representative Offices (Requirements and Activities) Regulations
L.N. 143 of 2007 as amended - Insurance Intermediaries (Penalties for Offences and Infringements) Regulations
L.N. 155 of 1999 as amended - Penalties for Offences Regulations
L.N. 218 of 2003 as amended - Credit Institutions (Fees) Regulations
L.N. 228 of 2004 - Credit Institutions (Re-organisation and Winding Up) Regulations
L.N. 250 of 2008 - Investment Services Act (Investment Advertisements and Prospectus Exemption) Regulations
L.N. 327 of 2007 - Investment Services Act (Tied Agents) Regulations
L.N. 76 of 2008 - Banking Act (Capital Adequacy) Regulations 2008
L.N. 87 of 2008 - Investment Services Act (Capital Adequacy) Regulations
L.N. 88 of 2004 as amended - European Passport rights for Credit Institutions Regulations
L.N.217 of 2003 as amended - Financial Institutions (Fees) Regulations
L.N.324 of 2001- Financial Institutions Act (Appointment of Competent Authority) Order
L.N.357 of 2002 as amended - Fines and Penalties for Offences Regulations
LN 180 of 2008 - Prevention of Money Laundering and Funding of Terrorism Regulations, 2008
LN 238 of 2008 - Prevention of Financial Markets Abuse (Disclosure and Notification) (Amendment) Regulations, 2008
LN 252 of 2008 - Prevention of Financial Markets Abuse (Fair Presentation of Investment Recommendations and Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest) (Amendment) Regulations, 2008
LN 287 of 2004 - Financial Markets Act (Transfer of Listed Securities) Regulations
LN 319 of 2006 – Insurance Intermediaries (Transitional Provisions) Regulations, 2006
LN 330 of 2007 - European Rights for Regulated Markets Regulations
LN 331 of 2007 - Financial Markets Act (Membership and Access) Regulations
LN 332 of 2007 - Financial Markets Act (Off-Market Deals) Regulations
LN 333 of 2007 - Financial Markets Act (Authorisation Requirments) Regulations Trading Facilities Regulations, 2007
LN 334 of 2007 - Financial Markets Act (Fees) Regulations
LN 336 of 2007 - Financial Markets Act (Transparency) Regulations
LN 35 of 2005 - European Passport Rights for Insurance Intermediaries Regulations, 2005
LN 355 of 2008 - Trusts Act (Amendment of article 43(7)) Regulations, 2008
LN 356 of 2008 - Trusts and Trustees Act (Fees) Regulations, 2008
LN 360 of 2008 - Regulated Markets and Central Securities Depositories (Fees) Regulations, 2008
LN 365 of 2003 - Special Funds (Registration of Retirement Fund Custodians) Regulations, 2003
LN 366 of 2003 - Special Funds (Control of Assets) Regulations, 2003
LN 367 of 2003 - Special Funds (Registration Fees) Regulations, 2003
LN 420 of 2007 - Insurance Intermediaries (Transitional Provisions) (Repeal) Regulations, 2007
LN 71 of 2006 - Special Funds (Regulation) Act (European Passport Rights for Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision) Regulations, 2006
LN 72 of 2006 - Special Funds (Regulation) Act (Exemption) Regulations, 2006
Securitisation Act
Special Funds (Regulation) Act
Trusts and Trustees Act
Communications and Media Law
Broadcasting Act
Electronic Commerce Act
Environment Protection Act
Freedom of Information Act
Malta Communications Authority Act
Official Secrets Act
Post Office Act
Postal Services Act
Press Act
Radiocommunications Act
Telecommunications Act
Wireless Telegraphy Ordinance
Transport and Maritime Law
Airports and Civil Aviation (Security) Act
Cargo Clearance and Transport Act
Carriage of Goods by Sea (Regulation) Act
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
Civil Aviation (Air Operators Certificates) Act
Civil Aviation (Security) Act
Civil Aviation Act
Code of Conduct for Computerised Reservation Systems Act
Eurocontrol Act
Law of the Sea (Ratification) Act
Malta Freeports Act
Malta Maritime Authority Act
Malta Transport Authority Act
Marine Pollution (Prevention and Control) Act
Merchant Shipping Act
Oil Pollution (Liability and Compensation) Act
Oil Pollution (Liability and Compensation) Act
Territorial Waters and Contiguous Zone Act
Environmental Law
Clean Air Act
Filfla Nature Reserve Act
Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control Regulations
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (Amendment) Regulations, 2008
L.N. 13/2006 Control and Security of High-Activity Radioactive and Orphan
L.N. 44/03 Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Regulations, 2003
Litter Act
Malta's International Obligations regarding Environmental Matters
Management of Bathing Water Quality Regulations, 2008
Prevention and Remedying of Environmental Damage Regulations, 2008
Quality of Water Intended for Human Consumption Regulations, 2009
Strategic Environmental Assessment (Amendment) Regulations, 2008
Strategic Environmental Assessment Regulations, 2005
Waste Management (Management of Waste from Extractive Industries and Backfilling) Regulations, 2009
Waste Management (Waste Oils) Regulations
Water Services Corporation Act
Water Supply (Amendment) Regulations, 2008
Intellectual Property Law
Copyright Act
Intellectual Property Rights (Cross-Border Measures) Act
Patents and Designs Act
Trademarks Act
Arbitration law
Arbitration Act
Mediation Act
Energy law
Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Minimum Security Stocks and Crisis Management) Regulations, 2002 (
Electrical Accessories Regulations, 2004
Electricity (Amendment) Regulations, 2008
Electricity Supply (Amendment ( No.3) Regulations, 2008
Electricity Supply (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 2008
Electricity Supply (Amendment) Regulations, 2008
Electricity Supply Regulations
Energy End-Use Efficiency and Energy Services Regulations, 2008
Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Regulations, 2008
Kerosene Control Regulations
Liquid Petroleum Gas Market Regulations, 2008
Low Voltage Electrical Equipment (Amendment) Regulations, 2007
Low Voltage Electrical Equipment Regulations, 2002
Natural Gas Supply (Safeguard of Security) Regulations, 2007
Petroleum (Licence Fees) Regulations
Petroleum (Petrol Stations) Regulations
Petroleum (Production) Act
Petroleum Ships Regulations, 1965
Petroleum for the Inland (Wholesale) Fuel Market Regulations, 2007
Prevention and Remedying of Environmental Damage Regulations, 2008
Quality of Fuels Regulations, 2008
Quality of Petrol and Diesel Fuels Regulations
Use of Biofuels or Other Renewable Fuels for Transport Regulations, 2004
Construction law
Building (Price Control) Act
Development Planning Act
Housing (Extension) Act
Housing Act
Utilities And Services (Regulation Of Certain Works) Act
Agriculture Law
Agricultural Produce (Export) Ordinance
Agriculture and Fishing Industries (Financial Assistance) Act
Animal Welfare Act
Fertile Soil (Preservation) Act
Fisheries Conservation & Management Act
Pesticides Control Act
Plant Quarantine Act
Producer Organisations Act
Veterinary Services Act
Wine Act
Commentated Laws
Banking Act
E-Commerce Act 2001 - A presentation
Summary of the Companies Act
Summary of the Financial Institutions Act
Summary of the Insurance Business Act
Summary of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act
Summary of the Special Funds (Regulation) Act
Tax system for companies resident in Malta
Electronic Commerce Act
Law Sources
Central Bank of Malta
Laws of Malta
Lotteries and Gaming Authority
Malta Communications Authority
Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA)
Malta Financial Services Authority
Malta Housing Authority
Malta Legislation (Commonlii)
Malta Maritime Authority
Malta Resources Auhority
Malta Standards Authority
Malta Transport Authority
Medicines Authority
Ministry For Justice & Home Affairs
Ministry for Competitiveness & Communications
Ministry for Investment, Industry and Information Technology
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Health, the Elderly and Community Care
Occupational Health and Safety Authority