Administrative / Public Law / Arbitration law / Banking law / Civil Law / Commercial Law / Communications and Media Law / Company law / Constitutional law / Construction law / Criminal Law / E-Commerce / Electoral law / Energy law / Environmental Law / Health law / Insurance Law / Intellectual Property Law / Labor Law / Law Sources / Litigation and court procedure / Tax law / Transport and Maritime Law /

Constitutional law

Constitution of the Republic of Iceland
Constitution of the Republic of Iceland

Litigation and court procedure

Act on Professional Lawyers No.77/1999
Act on the Judiciary No.15/1998

Electoral law

Act Concerning Parliamentary Elections to the Althing No. 24 from 16 May 2000
Local Government Elections Act, No. 5, 6 March 1998.

Administrative / Public Law

Act No. 85/1997 on the Althing Ombudsman
Act no. 73 24 May 2005 Tourism Administration Act
Act on Foreigners
Act on Municipality Credit Iceland No. 136/2004
Act on the Schengen Information System in Iceland, no. 16/2000.
Administrative Procedure Act
Hotel and restaurant Act 1985
Icelandic Nationality Act
Icelandic Nationality Act, No. 100/1952
Information Act
Law on lotteries no. 38/2005
Legislative Act on Sports No. 64/1998
Local Government Act 1998 no. 45, 3 June.
Pre Schools (Nursery Schools) Act No. 90/2008
Regulation on Foreigners, No. 53/2003
The Compulsory School Act No. 91/2008
The Icelandic Student Loan Fund Act
The Local Authorities Social Service Act, No. 40/1991.
The Public Procurement Act, No. 84/2007
The Public Procurement Act, No. 84/2007
The Public Procurement Act, No. 94/2001
The Public Projects Procedures Act, No. 84/2001
The Social Assistance Act No. 118/1993
The Social Security Act No. 117/1993
The University of Iceland Act no 41/1999
The Upper Secondary School Act No. 92/2008

Criminal Law

Act on Measures against Money Laundering No 80/1993
Act on Measures against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing , No. 64/2006 (64/2006)
Code of Criminal Procedure, No. 19/1991- Exerpts
Execution of Sentences Act No. 49/2005
Extradition of Criminals and Other Assistance in Criminal Proceedings Act No. 13, 17th April 1984
General Penal Code No. 19, February 12, 1940
Police Act no. 90 13th June 1996
Regulation on obligation to report and customer due diligence in measures against money laundering and terrorist financing (550/2006)

Civil Law

Act in Respect of Children no. 76/2003
Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights of Women and Men, No. 10/2008
Act on Housing Affairs (44/1998)
Act on Maternity/Paternity Leave and Parental Leave, No. 95/2000.
Act on the Right of Ownership and Use of Real Property
Child Protection Act no. 80/2002.
Inheritance Act No. 8, 14 March 1962
Law in Respect of Marriage No. 31 of April 14th, 1993.
Rent Act, No. 36, 22nd April 1994.
The Youth Act No. 24/1970

Commercial Law

Act No 103/1992 respecting Commission Sales Transactions
Act No 28/1998 respecting Professional Commerce.
Act No 38/2001 on interest and price indexation
Act No 46/2000 on Door-to-Door Sales and Distance Contracts
Act No 50/2000 on Sale of Goods
Act No. 14/1995 on Amendment of Act No 7/1936, on Making Contacts, Agency and Void Undertakings, with later Amendments (unfair terms).
Act on Consumer Credit, No 121/1994.
Act on Product Safety and Official Market Control, No 134/1995.
Act on Supervision of Unfair Commercial Practices and Transparency of the Market, No 57/2005.
Act on the Consumer Agency and Consumer Spokesman
Act on the Implementation of Invitation to Tender, No 65/1993
Act respecting the Security of Transfer Orders in Payment Systems, No 90/1999
Law on Product Liability, No 25/1991
Regulation No. 887/2008 amending Regulation No. 630/2005 on inside information and market abuse

Company law

Act No 26/2004 on European Companies.
Act No 26/2004 on European Companies.
Act No. 92/2006 respecting European Cooperative Societies
Act No. 92/2006 respecting European Cooperative Societies
Act on International Trading Companies, No 31/1999
Act on the Establishment of Limited Liability Companies to operate Landsbanki Íslands and Búnaðarbanki Íslands, No 50/1997
Act respecting Foundations Engaging in Business Operation, No. 33/1999
Act respecting Private Limited Companies, No. 138/1994.
Act respecting Public Limited Companies No. 2/1995.
Competition Law No 44/2005.
Competition Law No 44/2005.
The Industrial Act No 42/1978

Labor Law

Act No 139/2005 Act on temptorary-work agencies
Act No. 46/1980 on Working Environment, Health and Safety in Workplaces
Act No. 54/2001 on the Terms of Service of Workers Temporarily Employed in Iceland by Foreign Companies.
Act Respecting Labourers' Right to Advance Notice of Termination of Employment and to Wages on Account of Absence through Illness and Accidents No. 19/1979.
Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights of Women and Men, No. 10/2008
Act on Trade Unions and Industrial Disputes No. 80/1938 with subsequent amendments.
Act on Working Environment, Health and Safety in the Workplace, No. 46/1980.
Act on temporary-work agencies, No. 139/2005.
Act on the rights and obligations of foreign undertakings that post workers temporarily in Iceland and on their workers’ terms and condition of employment, No. 45/2007
Act on the rights and obligations of foreign undertakings that post workers temporarily in Iceland and on their workers’ terms and condition of employment, No. 45/2007
Foreign Nationals' Right to Work Act No. 97/2002.
Labour Market Measures Act, No. 55/2006
Prohibition on termination of employment due to family responsibilities Act, No. 27/2000
Regulation on foreign nationals’ right to work, No. 339/2005
Regulation regarding the work of children and adolescents, No. 426/1999
The Act on the Mandatory Guarantee of Pension Rights and the Operation of Pension Funds. (129/1997)
The Government Employees Act, No. 70/1996
The Government Employees Pension Fund Act, No. 1/1997
The Holiday Allowance Act No. 30/1987.
The Pension Act, No. 129/1997
The Pension Act, No. 129/1997
The Wage Guarantee Fund Act, No. 88/2003
Unemployment Insurance Act 1997 No. 12 13th of March,with amendments by Act No. 47/1998,129/1997 and 130/1997.
Vocational Training (Business Sector) Act, No. 19/1992
Working Terms and Pension Rights Insurance Act No. 55 of 9th June 1980, with subsequent amendments.

Health law

Act on Biobanks No. 110/2000
Act on Communicable Diseases No. 19/1997
Act on Health Security and Communicable Diseases No. 19/1997
Act on Medical Devices No 16/2001
Act on Patient Insurance No. 111/2000
Act on a Health Sector Database No. 139/1998
Act on a Health Sector Database No. 139/1998
Act on payments to parents of chronically ill or severely disabled children, No. 22/2006, as amended
Act on the Affairs of the Elderly No. 125/1999
Act on the Affairs of the Handicapped, No. 59/1992.
Act on the Rights of Patients No. 74/1997
Artificial Fertilisation Act No. 55/1996
Dentistry Act No. 38/1985
Health Service Act No. 40/2007
Medical Director of Health Act No. 41/2007
Physicians Act No 53/1988
The Foodstuffs Act 1985
The Foodstuffs Act no. 93/1995
The Medicinal Products Act No. 93/1994
Tobacco Control Act no. 6/2002

Insurance Law

Act on Insurance Activities, with Amendments (60/1994)
Act on Insurance contract, No 30/2004
Regulation on Calculation on Adjusted Solvency for Insurance Companies. (954/2001)
Regulation on Legal Assistance Insurance (99/1998)

Tax law

Act No. 170/2008 on the taxation of hydrocarbon extraction
Act on Imports, No. 88/1992.
Customs Law, No. 88/2005
Law No. 97/1987, on commodity tax
The Value Added Tax Act, No. 50/1988

Banking law

Act No 38/2001 on interest and price indexation
Act No. 125/2008 on the Authority for Treasury Disbursements due to Unusual Financial Market Circumstances etc
Act No. 95/2008 Debt Collection
Act no. 78/2007 on occupational retirement funds
Act on Activities of Stock Exchanges and Regulated OTC markets, No 34/1998.
Act on Changes to Act No. 129/1997, on the Mandatory Guarantee of Pension Rights and the Operation of Pesinon Funds (56/2000)
Act on Covered Bonds No. 11/2008
Act on Covered Bonds No. 11/2008
Act on Deposit Guarantees and Investor-Compensation Scheme, No. 98/1999
Act on Electronic Registration of Title to Securities, No 131/1997.
Act on Financial Undertakings, no 161/2002.
Act on Financial Undertakings, no 161/2002.
Act on Foreign Exchange, No. nr. 87/1992
Act on Information and Consultation in Undertakings, No. 151/2006
Act on Investment by Non-residents in Business Enterprices, No 34/1991.
Act on Payment of Cost Due to Official Supervision of Financial Activities (99/1999)
Act on Securities Transactions (108/2007)
Act on Securities Transactions, No 33/2003.
Act on Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities, UCITS, No. 30/2003
Act on official Supervision of Financial Operations with Amendments (87/1998)
Act on the Central Bank of Iceland (36/2001)
Act on the Establishment of the Icelandic Investment Bank Ltd., No 60/1997
Act on the European Economic Interest Grouping, nr. 159/1994.
Act on the Mandatory Guarantee of Pension Rights and the Operation of Pension Funds. (129/1997)
Act on the New Business Venture Fond, No 61/1997.
Law No 87/1998 on official supervision of financial operations.
Law on official supervision of financial operations, No 87/1998
Reglulation on Investments of Electronic Money Institutions (671/2002)
Regulation No. 191/2008 on reporting of transactions pursuant to Article 30 of Act No. 108/2007 on securities transactions.
Regulation No. 245/2006, on Official Listing of Securities on a Stock Exchange.
Regulation No. 521/2007 amending the Regulation on examinations in securities transactions No. 633/2003.
Regulation No. 707/2008 on provision of information and notification requirements in accordance with Act No. 108/2007 on securities transactions
Regulation authorising financial institutions and subsidiaries of credit institutions established in another state of the European Economic Area to pursue financial activities in Iceland (244/2004)
Regulation nr. 397/2000 on electronic registration of securities in a central securities depository.
Regulation on Guarantee Insurance for Securities Brokarages (508/2000)
Regulation on Mandatory guarantee of Pension Rights and the Operation of Pension Funds (391/1998)
Regulation on a branch and a representative office of a credit institution established in a country outside the European Economic Area (307/1994)
Regulation on a branch and a representative office of a credit institution established in another country within the European Economic Area (308/1994)
Regulation on electronic registration of securities (397/2000)
Rules on Listing of Securities on the Iceland Stock Exchange, ltd. (2/1999)
Rules on additional own funds items for financial undertakings (156/2005)
Rules on large exposures incurred by financial undertakings (216/2007)
Rules on large exposures incurred by financial undertakings (531/2003)
Rules on the Capital Requirement and Risk Weighted Assets of Financial Undertakings (215/2007)
Rules on the Solvency Ratio of Financial Undertakings (530/2003)
Rules on the auditing of financial undertakings (532/2003)
Rules on the financial statements of credit institutions (834/2003)
Rules on the financial statements of management companies of UCITS (97/2004)
Rules on the financial statements of securities companies and securities brokerages (102/2004)
The Accounting Act, No. 145/1994
The Government Financial Reporting Act, No. 88/1997
The State Guarantee Act, No. 121/1998

Communications and Media Law

Act no. 77/2000 on The Protection of Privacy as regards the Processing of Personal Data; as amended
Act on Literature Fund (etc.) No. 91/2007
Act on Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data No. 77/2000
Act on Third-Generation Mobile Telephony, No 8, 15. February 2005
Act on the Monitoring of Children’s Access to Films and Computer Games No. 62/2006
Act on the Post and Tele­com Administration, No. 69, 24 March 2003
Electronic Communications Act No. 81, 26 March 2003
Information Act
Libraries Act No. 36/1997
Postal Services Act No. 19, 18 March 2002
Regulation No. 734/2000 on the operations of electronic communications undertakings domicied in states outside the European Economic Area
Regulation no. 322/2001 on Management of Personal Information by the Police
Regulation on broadcasting activities No. 50/2002
Regulation on broadcasting activities No. 50/2002
Regulation on on protection, functionality, and quality of IP communications services, no 1223/2007
Regulation on the Icelandic Film Fund No. 229/2003
Regulation on the functionality of public communications networks, no 1222/2007
Regulation on the protection of information in public communications networks, no 1221/2007 (
Rules no. 299/2001 on security of personal data
The Broadcasting Act No. 53/2000
The inspection of films and prohibiting of films of violence Act No. 47/1995

Transport and Maritime Law

Act No 76/2001 on Crews Serving on Board Icelandic Passengers Ships and Cargo Ships
Act on Investigation of Marine Accidents
Act on Maritime Security, No. 50/2004, cf. amendments No. 18/2007
Act on the Icelandic Coast Guard No. 52, June 14th 2006
Act on the Investigation of Aircraft Accidents
IMA Icelandic Maritime Administration Act No. 6/1996
Ship Survey Act No. 47/2003

Environmental Law

Act on Protective Measures Against Avalanches and Landslides 1997
Act on radiation Protection 2002
Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Act no. 65/2007
Environmental Impact Assessment Act
Environmental Impact Assessment Act No. 106, 25 May 2000
The Fisheries Management Act No. 38, 15 May 1990
The Nature Conservation Act.

Intellectual Property Law

Act No 155/2002 Respecting Collective Marks.
Act No 72/2004 respecting Employees´ Inventions
Act amending the Copyright Act, No. 73/1972, with subsequent amendments. No. 9/2006
Act amending the Copyright Act, No. 73/1972, with subsequent amendments. No. 97/2006
Collective Marks Act no. 155/2002
Copyright Act
Design Act Regulation no. 706/2001
Design act no. 46/2001
Patent Act no. 17/1991
Patent Advertisment no. 575/1991
Patent Regulation no. 574/1991
Trade Marks Act no. 45/1997
Trade mark regulation no. 310/1997

Arbitration law

Rules for the Court of Arbitration

Energy law

Act No 13, 13. March 2001 on prospecting, exploration and production of hydrocarbons
Act amending the Electricity Act, No 65/2003.
Electricity Act, No 65/2003.
Law on the Establishment of Landsnet hf., No 75/2004
Rules, No. 553, 18 July 2001 governing the granting of licenses to prospect for hydrocarbons

Construction law

Multi-Owner Buildings Act.
Planning and Building Act 1999


Act on Electronic Commerce and other Electronic Services, No 30/2002.
Act on electronic signatures, No 28/2001.

Law Sources

Aircraft Accident Investigation Board (AAIB)
Central Bank of Iceland
Data Protection Authority
Financial Supervisory Authority (FME)
Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration
Icelandic Marine Accident Investigation Board
Icelandic Patent Office
Laws and Regulations under the auspices of the Ministries of Ecclesiastical Affairs
Laws and Regulations under the auspices of the Ministries of Industry and Commerce
Ministry for the Environment Legislation
Ministry of Business Affairs
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Acts
Ministry of Finance legislation
Ministry of Health and Social Security Legislation
Ministry of Social Affairs Legislation
The Althing Ombudsman
The Consumer Agency
The Icelandic Maritime Administration Legislation
The Legislative; the Althingi
The Post and telecom Administration Legislation
The State Social Security Institute in Iceland

© Copyright 1996-2009 Lexadin
Document Created at August 20, 1996
Last Update march 29 2009