Administrative / Public Law / Banking law / Civil Law / Commentated Laws / Commercial Law / Communications and Media Law / Company law / Constitutional law / Construction law / Criminal Law / E-Commerce / Electoral law / Energy law / Environmental Law / Health law / Human Rights / Insurance Law / Intellectual Property Law / Labor Law / Law Sources / Litigation and court procedure / Tax law /

Constitutional law

The Constitutional Act of Denmark of June 5, 1953
The Constitutional Act of Denmark of June 5, 1953

Human Rights

Act on Ethnic Equal Treatment

Litigation and court procedure

Act on Legal Counseling

Electoral law

Parliamentary Election Act (1987, latest amendments 1991)
Parliamentary Election Act of Denmark

Administrative / Public Law

Act No. 375 on Danish courses for adult aliens
Act on Guidance in Relation to Choice of Education, Training and Career
Act on Promotion of Doping-free Sport - Act No. 1438 of 22 December 2004
Act on Statistics Denmark no 599, 2000
Act on the Retreival of a Statement of Previous Convictions in Respect of Children on the Appointment of Staff etc. 2006
Act on urban renewal and urban development
Aliens (Consolidation) Act (2001, amended 2002)
Aliens (Consolidation) Act (2006)
Aliens (Consolidation) Act No. 945 / 2006
Aliens (Consolidation) Act No. 945 / 2006
Aliens Order
Consolidated Act on Danish Nationality (2003, as amended 2004)
Consolidated Nationality Danish Act (Ministry of Justice, January 1999)
Consolidation Act No. 839 June 2005 The Integration Act
Consolidation Act on Benefits in the Event of Illness and Childbirth (2001)
Consolidation Act on Danish Nationality 422/2004
Consolidation Act on Individual Housing Benefits
Consolidation Act on Individual Housing Benefits 2006
Consolidation Act on Legal Protection and Administration in Social Matters
Consolidation Act on Legal Protection and Administration in Social Matters 2006
Consolidation Act on Rent 2006
Consolidation Act on Social Housing, etc. 2006
Consolidation Act on Social Pensions
Consolidation Act on Social Services 2004
Consolidation Act on Social Services 2007
Consolidation Act on Temporary Regulation of Housing Conditions 2004
Consolidation Act on the Rent of Social Dwellings 2006
Consolidation act on Social Housing and Subsidised Dwellings in Private Housing Cooperatives, etc. 2005
Consolidation of the Act on Integration of Aliens in Denmark
Danish Act on the Civil Registration System
Danish Preparedness Act 2004
Executive Order on Aliens’ Access to Denmark (Aliens Order) (2005)
Executive order on the issue of residence and work permits for students
Museum Act - Act no. 473 of June 7, 2001
The Folkeskole (Consolidation) Act
The Ombudsman Act
The Ombudsman Act No. 473 of 12 June 1996
The Planning Act in Denmark Consolidated Act No. 763 of 2001
The Top-level Sport Act - Act No. 288 of 26. April 2004
University Act

Criminal Law

Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
Consolidated Act on measures to prevent money laundering and financing of terrorism 2004
Criminal Code Provisions concerning Terrorism

Civil Law

Act on Gender Equality (2000)
Act on Gender Equality 2002
Danish Act on the Civil Registration System
Danish Adoption (Consolidation) Act
Danish Contracts Act
Danish Contracts Act
Rent (Consolidation) Act 2004

Commercial Law

Act on Actions for Injunctions for the Protection of Consumers' Interest
Act on Certain Consumer Contracts
Act on Consumer Complaints
Act on actions for injunctions for the protection of consumers' interest NO 1257 / 2000
Danish Sale of Goods Act
Danish sale of goods act
Products Liability Act 1989
The Act on Certain Payment Instruments
The Marketing Practices Act
The Marketing Practices Act
The Travel Guarantee Fund Act
The Travel Guarantee Fund Act

Company law

Consolidated Competition Act No. 785 / 2005
Executive order on the calculation of turnover in the Competition Act
The Danish Act on the Central Business Register no 598, 2000
The Danish Private Companies Act
The Danish Public Companies Act 2000

Labor Law

Act concerning posting of workers
Company Pension Funds Act
Consolidated Act on Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension
Consolidated Danish Working Environment Act 1999
Consolidation Act on Equal Pay to Men and Women (2003)
Consolidation Act on Equal Treatment of Men and Women as regards Access to Employment and Maternity Leave, etc. 2002
Consolidation Act on Equal Treatment of Men and on Equal Treatment of Men and Women in respect of Employment and Maternity Leave (2002)
Gender Equality (Consolidation) Act (2002)
Holiday Act No. 396 of 31 May 2000
The Act on Equal Pay to Men and Women
The Employers' and Salaried Employees'(Legal Relationship)(Consolidation) Act, 1996
Worker’s Compensation Act (2003)
Working Environment Act

Health law

Act on Patient Safety in the Danish Health Care System
Act prohibiting tobacco advertising etc. No 492 / 2001
Danish Act on Damages for Pharmaceutical Injuries
Health Care Act
Law No. 350 of 13 June 1973 on the interruption of pregnancy
Law No. 482 of 1 July 1998 on patients’ rights.
Medicines Act, No. 1180 of 12 December 2005
Pharmacy Act, No. 279 of 6 June 1984
Smoke-free Environments Act 512 / 2007
Statutory order on limit values, measurement methods, labelling, product descriptions etc for tobacco products (no 817)
The Danish Liability for Damages Act
The Danish Patient Insurance Act
Tobacco Products Act 375/2002

Insurance Law

Insurance Mediation Act

Tax law

Consolidated Act on taxes on certain types of packaging, bags, disposable tableware and PVC foils 2001

Banking law

Act amending the Financial Business Act, the Guarantee Fund for None-life Insurance Companies, the Investment Associations and Special-Purpose Associations as well as other Collective Investment Schemes etc. Act, the Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, the Price Marking and Display Act etc. and other Acts
Act on Certain Payment Instruments
Act on Commercial Enterprises’ Presentation of Financial Statements, etc. (the Danish Financial Statements Act)
Act on Foreign Exchange
Act on Investment Associations and Special-Purpose Associations as well as other Collective Investment Schemes etc.
Assessment of Foreign Qualifications Act (LBK 74/2003)
Auditor General's Act, The
Business for Profit, Act on Undertakings Carrying on [Consolidation Act]
By laws of the National bank of Denmark
Consolidated Supervision of Company Pension Funds Act
Cross Border Currency Transfer Act
Cross Border Currency Transfer Act
Executive Order on Public Lending Right Remuneration
Financial Business Act 2005
Guarantee Fund for Depositors and Investors Act
Guarantee Fund for Depositors and Investors Act /
Investment Associations and Special-Purpose Associations Consolidated Act
Investment Companies Consolidated Act
LD Pensions Act
Mortgage-Credit Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act
National bank of Denmark Act
Securities Trading, etc. Act 2005
The Auditor General's Act

Communications and Media Law

Act 399 on Radio and TV activities Standards for Transmission of TV Signals
Act no. 1266 of 20 December 2000 on Auction of Licences for 3rd Generation Mobile Telephone Networks (3G)
Act on Cable Laying Access and Expropriation etc. for Telecommunications Purposes
Act on Competitive Conditions and Consumer Interests in the Telecommunications Market
Act on Processing of Personal Data
Act on Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and Electromagnetic Matters
Act on Radio Frequencies
Act on the Establishment and Joint Utilization of Masts for Radiocommunications Purposes etc.
Act on the High-Technology Foundation
Act regarding library services
Act regarding library services
Consolidated Public Lending Right Remuneration Act No. 21 of January 11, 2000
Danish Radio and Television Broadcasting Act 2002
The Act on Processing of Personal Data
The Act on Tertiary Artistic Education Institutions No. 889, 2000
The Film Act No 186 of March 12, 1997
The Literature Act No. 477 of June 12, 1996

Environmental Law

Act on Environment and Genetic Engineering No. 356 of June 6, 1991
Act on Access to Information on the Environment No. 292 of April 27, 1994
Act on Waste Deposits No. 420 of June 13, 1990
Act on the Protection of the Marine Environement, the Safety of ships Act, and Merchant Shipping Act (Exclusive Economic Zones Act) No. 394 of May 22, 1996
Act on the Protection of the Marine Environment No. 476 of June 30, 1993
Consolidated Act on Chemical Substances and Products No. 21 of January 16, 1996
Consolidated Act from the Ministry of the Environment on Watercourses No. 404 of May 19, 1992
Consolidated Act on Taxes on Waste and Raw Materials No. 570 og August 3, 1998
Consolidated Act on Water Supply No. 130 of 26 February 19
Consolidated Environment And Genetic Engineering Act Act No. 981 Of December 2002
Consolidated Environmental Protection Act No. 698 of September 22, 1998
Contaminated Soil Act No. 370 of June 2, 1999
The Danish Forest Act 1989 Act no 383

Intellectual Property Law

Act on inventions at public research institutions
Consolidated Act on Copyright No. 164 of March 12, 2003
The Consolidate Trade Marks Act
The Danish Plant Variety Protection Act
The Designs Act

Energy law

Act no 1209 of 27 December 1996 The Electricity Saving Trust Bill
Act no 485 of June 1996 to promote energy and water savings in buildings
Act no 585 of 24th June 2005 to Promote Energy Savings in Buildings
Act no. 1384 of December 20, 2004 on Energinet Denmark
Act no. 376 of June 2, 1999, on CO2 Quotas for Electricity Production
Act no. 449 of 31 May 2000, the Natural Gas Supply Act
Act no. 450 of 31 May 2000 on the promotion of savings in energy consumption
Act no. 772 of 24 July 2000, the Heat Supply Act (pdf-file)
Bill no. 234, The Electricity Supply Bill (Act no. 375) (pdf-file)
Bill no. 235, Bill om CO2 Quotas for Electricity Production (Act no.376)
Bill no. 236, Bill to amend the Act on Subsidies for Electricity Production (Act no. 377) (pdf-file)
Bill no. 238, Bill to amend the Heat Supply Act (Act no. 379)
Consilidated Act no. 526 of 11 June 2002 on the use of the Danish Subsoil
Consolidation of the Act on Electricity Supply No 286, 20. April 2005
Energy Sources etc. (Act no. 378)
Executive Order no. 350 of 3 May 2000 on energy-saving activities in public electricity supply undertakings
Hydrocarbon Tax Act from 2003

Construction law

The Planning Act in Denmark 1999

Commentated Laws

Competition Act


Act on Electronical Signature
E-Commerce Act
E-commerce Act
The E-Commerce Act No 227 /2002

Law Sources

Damarks nationalbank
Danish Competition Authority
Danish Consumer Protection
Danish Energy Authority
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Danish Prison and Probation Service
Danske Lov (Retsinformation)
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs
Ministry of Social Affairs
Ministry of Taxation
National Bank of Denmark
National IT and Telecom Agency
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© Copyright 1996-2008 Lexadin
Document Created at August 20, 1996
Last Update july 19 2008