Constitutional law
Constitution de Cipre (Espanol)
Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus
Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus
Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus (Greek)
Administrative / Public Law
Statistics Law 2000
The University of Cyprus Law
Criminal Law
Prevention of Violence in the Family Law
Prevention of Violence in the Family Law
Civil Law
Childrens Law
Commercial Law
Summary of the Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories (Machinery) Regulations P.I. 306/2003
The Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories (Aamendment) Law 29(I)/2003
The Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories (Equipment and Protective Systems for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres) Regulations P.I. 309/2003
The Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories (Lifts) Regulations of 2003 (P.I. 310/2003)
The Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories (Machinery) Notification P.I. 291/2004
The Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories (Machinery) Regulations P.I. 306/2003
The Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories (Personal Protection Equipment) Regulations P.I. 315/2003
The Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories (Pressure Equipment) Regulations P.I. 311/2003
The Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories (Simple Pressure Vessels) Decision P.I. 290/2004
The Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories (Simple Pressure Vessels) Regulations P.I. 312/2003
The Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories Law 30(I)/2002
The Essential Requirements to be Fulfilled by Specific Product Categories Law 30(I)/2002
The Investment Law
Transparency Law (Greek)
Company law
Control of concentrations between Undertakings Law 22(I)/99 and amendments
The Factories (Amendment) Law 20/1990
The Factories (Amendment) Law 22/1982
The Factories (Amendment) Law 220/1991
The Factories (Amendment) Law 25/1989
The Factories (Amendment) Law 32/1972
The Factories (Amendment) Law 43/1964
The Factories (Amendment) Law of 1996 (Law 90(I)/1996)
The Factories (First Aid) Order P.I. 375/1957
The Factories Law of 1956
The Factories Order P.I 162/1973
The Protection of Competition Law (no 207 / 1989)
Labor Law
Law To Provide For The Safeguarding And Protection Of Employees Rights In The Event Of The Transfer Of Undertakings, Businesses Or Parts Thereof.
Port Workers (Regulation of Employment) Law, Chapter 184
Protection of Young Persons at Work, No. 48(I)/2001
The Accidents and Occupational Diseases (Notification) Law of 1953
The Agricultural Works (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations of 1982 P.I. 271/1982
The Asbestos (Safety and Health of Persons at Work) (Amendment) Regulations P.I. 495/2004
The Asbestos (Safety and Health of Persons at Work) (Amendment) Regulations P.I. 104/2000
The Asbestos (Safety and Health of Persons at Work) Law 23(I)/1993
The Asbestos (Safety and Health of Persons at Work) Regulations P.I. 272/1993
The Asbestos (Safety and Health of Persons at Work) Regulations of 1993 (Notification of 1994) P.I. 108/1994
The Asbestos (Safety and Health of Persons at Work) Regulations of 2000 (Notification of 2002) P.I. 447/2002
The Asbestos (Safety and Heath of Persons at Work) (Amendment) Law 47(I)/2000
The Buildings and Works of Engineering Construction (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations P.I. 161/1973
The Electricity in Factories Special (Amendment) Regulations P.I. 84/1983
The Electricity in Factories Special Regulations of 1981 P.I. 315/1981
The Equal Treatment of men and women in employment and vocational training Law
The Management of Safety and Health Issues at Work Regulations P.I. 173/2002
The Maternity Protection (Safety and Health at Work) Regulations P.I. 255/2002
The Minimum Requirements for Safety and Health (Use of Personal Protective Equipment at Work) Regulations P.I. 470/2001
The Minimum Requirements for Safety and Health (Use of Work Equipment at Work) (Amending) Regulations of 2004 (P.I. 497/2004)
The Minimum Requirements for Safety and Health (Use of Work Equipment at Work) Regulations P.I. 444/2001
The Minimum Requirements for Safety and Health Signs at Work Regulations P.I. 212/2000
The Minimum Requirements for Safety and Health at Work (Extractive Industries Through Drilling) Regulations P.I. 274/2002 (Department of Labour Inspection)
The Minimum Requirements for Safety and Health at Work (Surface and Underground Extractive Industries) Regulations P.I. 275/2002
The Minimum Requirements for Safety and Health at Work with Visual Display Screen Equipment Regulations P.I. 455/2001
The Minimum Requirements for Safety and Health at the Workplace (Amendment) Regulations of 2004 (P.I. 494/2004)
The Minimum Requirements for Safety and Health at the Workplace Regulations P.I. 174/2002
The Occupational Safety and Health in Dockwork (Medical Examinations) Order of 2002 P.I. 321/2002
The Occupational Safety and Health in Dockwork Regulations of 1991 P.I. 349/1991
The Protection of Workers who are posted to carry out temporary work within the Republic in accordance with the framework of the Transnational Provision of Services Law, No 137 2002
The Safety Committees at Work Regulations P.I. 134/1997
The Safety and Health (Minimum Requirements for Temporary or Mobile Construction Sites) Regulations P.I. 172/2002
The Safety and Health at Work (Amendment) Law 158(I)/2001
The Safety and Health at Work (Amendment) Law 25(I)/2002
The Safety and Health at Work (Amendment) Law 41(I)/2003
The Safety and Health at Work (Amendment) Law 99(I)/2003
The Safety and Health at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations P.I. 144/2001
The Safety and Health at Work (Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Agents) Regulations (Amendment) of 2004 (P.I. 493/2004)
The Safety and Health at Work (Chemical Agents) (Amendment) Regulations P.I. 55/2004
The Safety and Health at Work (Chemical Agents) Regulations P.I. 268/2001
The Safety and Health at Work (Manual Handling of Loads) Regulations P.I. 267/2001
The Safety and Health at Work (Minimum Requirements for the Protection of Persons at Work from Explosives Atmospheres) Regulations P.I. 291/2002
The Safety and Health at Work (Protection from Noise) Regulations P.I. 230/2002
The Safety and Health at Work Law 89(I)/1996
The Safety and Health at Work Order of 2004 (P.I. 628/2004)
The Safety and Health at Work of Workers with Fixed-Duration Employment or Temporary Employment Regulations P.I. 184/2002 (Department of Labour Inspection)
The Safety and Health at Work(Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Agents) Regulations P.I. 153/2001
The Standards for Health Provisions in Factories (Amendment) Regulations P.I. 225/2002
The Woodworking Machinery (Amendment) Regulations P.I. 311/1988
The Woodworking Machinery Regulations P.I. 279/1973
Health law
The Bioethics (Establishment and Function of the National Committee) Law of 2001
The Control of Factory Atmosphere and Dangerous Substances in Factories (Amendement) Regulations P.I. 41/1986
The Control of Factory Atmosphere and Dangerous Substances in Factories (Amendment) Regulations P.I. 166/1981
The Control of Factory Atmosphere and Dangerous Substances in Factories Regulations P.I. 311/1973
The Dangerous Substances (Amendment) Law 194(I)/2004
The Dangerous Substances (Amendment) Law 27(I)/1997
The Dangerous Substances (Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous Substances and Preparations) Regulations P.I. 292/2002
The Dangerous Substances (Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous Substances and Preparations) Regulations P.I. 536/2004
The Dangerous Substances Law 199/1991
The Doctors (Special Qualifications) Regulations
The Genetically Modified Microorganisms (Contained Use) Law 15(I)/2004
The Safeguarding And Protection Of The Patients' Rights Law, 2004
The Standards for Health Provisions in Factories (Amendment) Regulations P.I. 40/1986
The Standards for Health Provisions in Factories (Amendment) Regulations Regulations P.I.165/1981
The Standards for Health Provisions in Factories Regulations P.I. 312/1973
Tax law
Customs and Excise Duties Law
The Assessment and Collection of Taxes Law 1978-1999
The Capital Gains Tax Laws 1980-1999
The Collection of Taxes Law of 1962
The Estate Duty Law of 1962
The Estate of Deceased Persons (Taxing Provisions) Law of 2000
The Immovable Property Tax Law 1980-1994
The Income Tax Law 1961-2001
The Special Contribution (Defense of the Republic) Law 1984-2001
The Special Contribution (Temporary Provisions) Law of 1974
The Stamp Duty Laws 1963-1998
The Value Added Tax Law of 2000, (n. 95(I)/2000
Banking law
Banking Laws of 1997 to 2005
Capital Movement Law of 2003
Central Bank of Cyprus Laws of 2002-2007
Consolidated Market Abuse Law
International Collective Investment Schemes Law (No 47(I) Of 1999)
Law for the Provision of Investment Services and Activities and for the Operation of Regulated Markets of 2007
Law providing for the conditions for making an offer to the public of securities, on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public. 2005
Law regulating the structure, organisation and operation of Open-Ended Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) 2004
Law to make provision for public takeover bids for the acquisition of securities of companies 2007
The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (Establishment and Responsibilities) Law. 2001
The Liberalisation of the Interest Rate and Related Matters Law No. 160(I) of 1999
The Prevention and Suppresion of Money Laundering Activities Law 2007
The Prevention and Suppresion of Money Laundering Activities Law of 2007
Communications and Media Law
The Processing Of Personal Data Law 2001
The Processing Of Personal Data Law 2001
Transport and Maritime Law
The Coastal and Other Passenger Vessels Regulations of 2002
The Merchant Shipping (Fees And Taxing Provisions) Laws Of 1992 To 2007
The Merchant Shipping (Masters and Seamen) Laws of 1963 to 2002
The Merchant Shipping (Minimum Requirements on Medical Treatment on Board Vessels) Law 175(I)/2002
The Merchant Shipping (Minimum Requirements on Safety and Health at Work on Board Cyprus Fishing Vessels) Law L.160(I)/2002
The Merchant Shipping (Official Log Books, Ship’s Articles and Six-Month Lists) Regulations of 2001
The Merchant Shipping (Port State Control) First Notification of 2005
The Merchant Shipping (Port State Control) Laws of 2001 and 2004
The Merchant Shipping (Recognition and Authorization of Organizations) Laws of 2001 and 2004
The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships, Sales and Mortgages) Laws of 1963 to 2005
The Merchant Shipping (Taxation of Ship management Services) Regulations of 2000
The Wrecks Law, Cap.298
Environmental Law
Forest Law 1967
The Air Quality (Air Pollution by Ozone) Regulations P.I. 530/2002
The Air Quality (Amendement) Law 53(I)/2004
The Air Quality (Amendment) (No. 2) Law 54(I)/2004
The Air Quality (Annual Emission Ceilings for Certain Atmospheric Pollutants) Regulations P.I. 193/2004
The Air Quality (Limit Values for Benzene and Carbon Monoxide in Ambient Air) Regulations P.I. 516/2002
The Air Quality (Ozone in Ambient Air) Regulations P.I. 194/2004
The Air Quality Law 188(I)/2002
The Control of Atmosperic Pollution (Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions Resulting from the Storage of Petrol and its Distribution from Terminals to Service Stations) Regulations P.I. 76/2003
The Control of Atmosperic Pollution (Incineration of Wastes) Regulations P.I. 284/2003
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Incineration of Hazardous Wastes) Regulations P.I. 638/2002
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Incineration of Waste Oils) Regulations P.I. 529/2002
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Limitation and Control of Atmospheric Pollution caused by Waste from Titanium Dioxide Industry) Notification P.I. 187/2004
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Limitation and Control of Atmospheric Pollution caused by Waste from Titanium Dioxide Industry) Regulations P.I. 527/2002
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Limitation and Control of Atmospheric Pollution caused by Waste from Titanium Dioxide Industry) Regulations P.I. 527/2002
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Limitation of Emissions of Certain Pollutants into Air from Large Combustion Plants) Regulations P.I. 195/2004
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Limitation of Emissions of Certain Pollutants into Air from Large Combustion Plants) Regulations P.I. 74/2003
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Limitation of Volatile Organic Compounds due to the Use of Organic Solvents in Certain Activities and Installations) Notification P.I. 189/2004
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Limitation of Volatile Organic Compounds due to the Use of Organic Solvents in Certain Activities and Installations) Regulations P.I. 73/2003
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Non Licensable Installations) Regulations P.I. 170/2004
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Preventino and Reduction of Atmospheric Pollution by Asbestos) Regulations P.I. 528/2002
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Preventino and Reduction of Atmospheric Pollution by Asbestos) Regulations P.I. 528/2002
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Prevention of Air Pollution from Existing Municipal Incineration Plants) Regulations P.I. 75/2003
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Procedures for the Surveillance and Monitoring of Environments concerned by Waste from Titanium Dioxide Industry) Notification P.I. 188/2004
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Procedures for the Surveillance and Monitoring of Environments concerned by Waste from Titanium Dioxide Industry) Regulations P.I. 545/2002
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution Law Law 187(I)/2002
The Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Law 56(I)/2003
The Protection from Ionising Radiation (Basic Principles) Regulations P.I. 494/2002
The Protection from Ionising Radiation (Informing the Public about Measures to be applied in Case of Emergency) Regulations P.I. 495/2002
The Protection from Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations P.I. 497/2002
The Protection from Ionising Radiation (Supervision and Control of Shipments of Radioactive Wastes) Regulations P.I. 496/2002
The Protection from Ionising Radiation Law 115(I)/2002
The 1992 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage Notification of 2008
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea from Ships (Ratification) and for Matters Connected Therewith Laws of 1989 to 2005
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (Ratification) and for Matters Connected Therewith Laws of 1985 to 2006
The International Convention on Load Lines 1966 (Ratification) and for Matters Connected Therewith Laws of 1969 to 1997
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978 and 1995 (Ratification) and for Matters Connected Therewith Laws of 1985 and 1998
Law Sources
Central bank of Cyprus
Commission for the Protection of Competition
Cyprus Gazette
Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission
Department of Merchant Shipping
Government Web Portal
Law Office of the Republic of Cyprus
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Justice and Public Order
Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance
The Cyprus Source of Legal Information