Administrative / Public Law / Agriculture Law / Arbitration law / Banking law / Civil Law / Commercial Law / Communications and Media Law / Company law / Constitutional law / Criminal Law / Electoral law / Energy law / Environmental Law / Health law / Intellectual Property Law / Labor Law / Law Sources / Litigation and court procedure / Tax law / Transport and Maritime Law /

Constitutional law

Constitutional Law amending the Law on the Constitutional Court (March 2002)
Constitutional Law of Human Rights and Freedoms and the Rights of National and Ethnic Communities or Minorities in the Croatia (as amended in May 2000)
Constitutional Law on Temporary Inability of the President of the Republic to Perform his Duties (1999)
Constitutional Law on the Rights of Minorities
The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia
The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia
The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia
The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia
The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia
The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia
The Constitutional Act on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia
The Constitutional Act on the Rights of National Minorities
The Constitutional Act on the Rights of National Minorities
Ustav Republike Hrvatske (Constitution in croatian)

Litigation and court procedure

Act on the State Attorney's Office
Book of Rules for Courts
Judiciary Act (2004)
Judiciary Act (Law on Courts)
Juvenile Courts Act
Juvenile Courts Act (1998)
Law on Public Prosecutors
Law on the Implementation of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and Prosecution of Crimes against International Law of War and Humanitarian Law
Law on the Legal Profession
Law on the State Judiciary Council
Law on the State Judiciary Council
Order on Internal Organization of the Ministry of Justice
Rules of Arbitration of the Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Economy
Rules of International Arbitration of the Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Economy

Electoral law

Act on Election of Representatives to the Croatian Parliament
Law on Amendments to Parliamentary Election Law (April 2003)
Law on Constituencies (1999)
Law on Elections of Representatives of the Croatian State Parliament (1999)
Law on Local and Regional Self-Government (2001)
Law on the Election of Members of Representative Bodies of Units of Local Self-Government and Units of Local Administration and Self-Government (2000)
Law on the Election of the Representative Bodies of Local and Regional Self-Government (2001)
Law on the List of Voters (1992)

Administrative / Public Law

Act on Movement and Stay of Aliens
Act on National Statistics - 2003
Act on Preventing the Conflict of Interest in Exercise of Public Office
Act on the Ombudsman of 25 September 1992
Act on the Ombudsman of 25 September 1992
Administrative Disputes Act
Aliens Act 2007
Civil Cervants Act
Civil Servants Act
Law concerning Foreigners
Law on Administrative Disputes
Law on Asylum
Law on Asylum
Law on Citizenship (1991)
Law on Foreigners
Law on Standardization
Law on the Croatian Chamber of Economy
Law on the Ombudsman
Law on the Ombudsman for Children
Public Procurement Act
Rules of conciliation of the Croatian Chamber of Economy
State Aid Act 2005

Criminal Law

Act on the Responsibility of Legal Persons for the Criminal Offences (2003)
Criminal Code
Criminal Code (1998, amended 2003)
Criminal Procedure Act
Criminal Procedure Code (1998) (excerpts)
Execution Act
General Amnesty Act
Law On Prevention Of Money Laundering [Of 26 June 1997]
Law of Execution
Law on Police (2000) (excerpts)
Law on the Execution of Prison Sentence (2001)
Law on the Office for the Supression of Corruption and Organized Crime
Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering (2004)
Witness Protection Act
Witness Protection Act
Witness Protection Act

Civil Law

Civil Obligations Act
Civil Procedure Act
Crafts Act
Land Registration Act

Commercial Law

Consumer Protection Act 2003
Consumer Protection Act 2003
The Ordinance on the General Labelling or Marking of Foodstuffs
The Ordinance on the conditions to be fulfilled by a laboratory for testing, control and monitoring of GMO's and products containing GMO's

Company law

Act on Foundations and Funds
Competition Act
Law on Associations (2001)
Law relating to Associations (1997)

Labor Law

Act of 14 July 2003 to amend and supplement the Labour Act
Act on Job Placement And Unemployment Insurance
Act on Job Placement and Unemployment Insurance
Labour Act
Labour Act of 17 May 1995 (Text No. 758).

Health law

The Food Act
The Food Act
The Medicinal Products and Medical Devices Act
The Medicinal Products and Medical Devices Act
The Ordinance on the General Labelling or Marking of Foodstuffs
The Ordinance on the conditions to be fulfilled by a laboratory for testing, control and monitoring of GMO's and products containing GMO's

Tax law

Customs Act
Customs Duty Act
Excise Duty Act
General Tax Act
Income Tax Act
Law on Conducting Games of Chance and Promotional Award games
Profit Tax Act
Real Estate Sales Tax Act
Real Estate Transfer tax Act
The Income Tax Act (2000)
Value Added Tax Act

Banking law

Act on Electronic Money Institutions draft
Bankruptcy Act
Credit Institutions Act first draft
Credit Institutions Act second draft
Foreign Exchange Act
Foreign Exchange Act
Foreign Exchange Act Amendments
National Payment System Act
Securities Issue and Exchange Act
The Investment Promotion Law
The Banking Law
The Law on the Croatian National Bank
The State Audit Act

Communications and Media Law

Act on the Protection of Personal Data
Act on the Right of Access to Information
Act on the Right of Access to Information (2003)
Archives and Archival Institutions Act (1997)
Archives and Archival Institutions Act (1997)
Law of Telecommunications 1999
Law on the Croatian Radio-Television
Law on the Croatian Radio-Television (2001)
Law on the Right of Access to Information
Law on the Right to Access Information
Telecommunications Law

Transport and Maritime Law

Inland Ports Act
Maritime Ports Act

Environmental Law

Air Protection Act
Animal Protection Act
Environmental Protection Act
Ordinance on methods and requirements for thermal treatment of waste
Ordinance on monitoring air quality
Ordinance on packaging and packaging waste
Ordinance on the form, content and method of keeping the register of parties subject to payment of the charge for emissions into the environment of nitrogen oxides, in the form of nitrogen dioxide
Ordinance on the method and terms for calculation and payment of the charge for emission into the environment of sulphur oxides, in the form of sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in the form of nitrogen dioxide
Ordinance on the methods and conditions for the landfill of waste, categories and operational requirements for waste landfills
Regulation on alert thresholds for pollutants in air
Regulation on categories, types and classification of waste with a waste catalogue and list of hazardous waste
Regulation on limit values of pollutants in air
Regulation on ozone in air
Regulation on siting of national network stations for continuous air quality monitoring
Regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer
Regulation on supervision of transboundary movement of waste
Regulation on the quality of biofuels
Regulation on the quality of petroleum-derived liquid fuels
The Nature Protection Act
Waste Act 111/06
Waste Act 178/04
Water Management Act

Intellectual Property Law

Act Amending The Act On The Administrative Fees In The Field Of Intellectual Property Rights and Ordinance Amending The Ordinance On Special Charges And Charges For Information Services Provided By The State Intellectual Property Office
Act On The Administrative Fees In The Field Of Intellectual Property Rights
Act on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products and Act amending and supplementing the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products Act
Copyright Act
Industrial Design Act and Act amending and supplementing the Industrial Design Act
Industrial Design Regulations and Regulations supplementing the Industrial Design Regulations
Law On The Protection Of Geographical Indications Of Products And Services
Ordinance On Special Charges And Charges For Information Services Provided By The State Intellectual Property Office
Patent Act and Amending Patent Act and Act on Amendments to the Patent Act
Patent Regulations 2007
Plant Variety Protection Law
Regulations on Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin of Products and Services and Regulations supplementing the Regulations on Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin of Products and Services
Regulations on Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin of Products and Services.
Regulations on the procedure and conduct of tests for DUS
Regulations on the registration on the Registers for Protection
The Law of Alterations and Amendments on the Plant Variety Protection Law (2000)
The Plant Variety Protection Law (1997)
Trademark Regulations 2007
Trademarks Act and Act on Amendments to the Trademarks Act

Arbitration law

Law on Arbitration
Law on Arbitration (Arbitration Act)

Energy law

Act on the Production, Distribution and Supply of Thermal Energy
Law On Electricity Market 2001
Law On Electricity Market 2001
Law On Gas Market 2001
Law On Gas Market 2001
Law On Gas Market 2007
Law On Oil & Oil Derivatives Market
Law On Oil And Oil Derivatives Market
Law On Regulation of Energy Activities
Law on Electricity Market
Law on Electricity Market
Law on Energy
Law on Energy
Law on Energy 2001
Law on Energy 2001
Law on Energy Activities
Law on Energy Activities Amendments 2007
Law on Energy Amendments 2004
Law on Energy Amendments 2007
Law on Regulation of Energy Activities
Regulation on Gas Distribution
Regulation on Method And Criteria For Determination Of The Amount Of The Fee For Use Of Transmission And Distribution Network
Regulation on conditions for carrying out an energy activity
Tariff System For Natural Gas Transport, Without The Amounts Of Tariff Items

Agriculture Law

Law on Seed and Plant Material

Law Sources

Civil Aviation Authority
Croatian Agency for Supervision of Financial Services
Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency
Croatian National Bank
Croatian Privatization Fund (CPF)
Croation Competition Agency
Croation Food Agency
Legislation Online
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development
Narodne Novine (Official Gazette)
Parliament of Croatia
Tax Administration
Zagreb Stock Exchange

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Document Created at August 20, 1996
Last Update july 19 2008