Administrative Appellate Court / Appellate Courts / First Instance Courts / Judiciary (general) / Other Courts / Religious Appeal Courts / Religious Courts / Supreme Courts (Highest Instance) /

Supreme Courts (Highest Instance)

Court of Cassation

Appellate Courts

There three courts of Appeal are lead by a panel of at least three judges. The courts hear appeals against the verdicts in criminal cases of first instance courts or in cases where the law provides for the Magistrates Courts to appeal the ruling to the Court of Appeal.

Court of Appeal Amman
Court of Appeal Irbid
Court of Appeal Maan

Religious Appeal Courts

The religious courts include shari’a (Islamic law) courts and the tribunals of other religious communities, namely those of the Christian minority. Religious courts have primary and appellate courts and deal only with matters involving personal law such as marriage, divorce, inheritance and child custody. Shari’a courts also have jurisdiction over matters pertaining to the Islamic waqfs. In cases involving parties of different religions, regular courts have jurisdiction.

Religious High Courts

First Instance Courts

Courts of First Instance
Magistrates' Courts

Religious Courts

Religious Courts
Shari’a (Islamic law) courts

Administrative Appellate Court

High Administrative Courts

Other Courts

Court of Customs.
Court of Tax Appeal
Court of maintenance of state property
Court settlement of land and water.
Criminal Court.
Municipal courts.
State Security Court

Judiciary (general)

Judicial Council
Judicial Institute of Jordan.
Supreme Judge Department

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Document Created at August 20, 1996
Last Update januari 1 2011